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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Didn't we all agree yesterday FRAYDO's defense had been kinda bad?
  2. TBH I think we're all collectively over thinking this. Granted, I don't know who it is, but we shouldn't be resorting to wild theories when sometimes the simple answer really is the best. TBH I think I'd still go with FRAYDO, and just chalk Coolrock up as... performance art...
  3. That is still miles ahead of what Anon has done, despite being so little, is my point.
  4. I mean, I am concerned about the inactives, but truly, KY has at least done something, what I quoted above is literally half Anon's posts. He hasn't even made any random votes like he usually does!
  5. I have things I needed to do tonight... AFK for a bit, but this is ridiculous. I suppose this drama will force me to check back before bed
  6. At this rate though the vote is gonna be a popularity contest.
  7. Ah to see the blissful ignorance of youth and to be reminded of the inevitable passage of time.
  8. I mean to be fair, he's mostly clarified now, but this is for future reference. And in the event he knows anything else that could help.
  9. But oh boy do I want to hear your theories once you finally get around to it.
  10. I still don't believe you've consumed alcohol in your entire life.
  11. When we talk about you, you can confirm or deny it if you feel it is wise to do so. Normally I'd say it's good to keep things a secret, but since you're kind of key to a mystery, namely "what the hell happened last night", it'd be nice if you just gave us all the details (paraphrasing of course). You can't just be like "something happened!" and expect us to be satisfied. You have to tell us what happened. The rest of us aren't sharing because nothing happened to us worth sharing. You've basically gone and said you've won a gameshow but neglected to tell us WHAT gameshow, so of course we're curious.
  12. TBH I only was able to think of it so quickly because I've been looking for an opportunity to call him "Warmstone"
  13. Figuring out what happened is like getting blood from a Coolrock.
  14. Also why the hell do the Allies have the Grizzly tank when Grizzlys are bears and Russia's animal is the bear. Checkmate Athiests.
  15. We've never considered the player assigned bodyguard would just refuse to play ball, but if anybody would do it I think it'd be Coolrock.
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