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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I swear, sometimes I feel like Scrooge in a Christmas Carol and you people are the Three Ghosts.
  2. As town we want to find the truth. I mean you're very clearly just doing things for the lols, but in a more serious environment your behavior would have you first up against the wall.
  3. It's not that you give answers. It's that you give too many/contradictory answers. If we didn't have our own powers of deduction we'd have no idea what to believe.
  4. Granted, I know what you're getting at isn't a gotcha because it's not true, but if it was a gotcha, wouldn't that mean I'm right, because he can't people. It's like a paradox that only works if Coolrock is being a twat.
  5. It's anti-town behavior but I'm giving it a pass because it's your first game and I do find it somewhat funny... for now ๐Ÿ˜‘
  6. I'm the one that said it the first time, I can say it again if I want to!
  7. Frankly I'm just exasperated with trying to get blood from a Coolrock with answers sometimes.
  8. You also confirmed your skill DOESN'T allow you to do that if they're not broken, though... didn't you...
  9. But look, how about some productive conversation. I think Coolrock *believes* Anon is the silo, but we don't actually know that. So I think the cover for the silo is still intact. I'd case Anon harder, as really, it's valid, but if we're wrong it'd take that cover right away again or maybe he really is the silo. Maybe this isn't productive because really I'm just saying I'm not happy, but I think the other point is hopefully the silo does still have some cover.
  10. And as I said, even in the post game then, that was FRAYDO's idea. We just decided it'd be better if I pulled it off because it'd be more belivable.
  11. Hey guys I just learned how to do this. ๐Ÿ˜ŠโœŒโค๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘Œโœ”๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ Windows key + . gives you more emojis you can use in anything, now I'm gonna be extra-annoying.
  12. Though seriously, I don't recall having done it previously, though maybe a team with me on it did, but if it did happen it wasn't my idea. I can't recall.
  13. Me? Mr. "we have to kill all the time every time no lynch is a travesty?"
  14. Technically it's not against the rules. What's against the rules is "losing on purpose". Hell, I've seen people announce at the start of the game they were scum, RP it, and win, and that's generally considered epic lols. I told FRAYDO about somebody doing that on MU awhile back which is why he almost attempted it last game.
  15. IE if you're converted you're supposed to play along, but a lot of people in the wider mafia world (not here) have trouble with that so many sites avoid it entirely.
  16. Outing that you were alignment changed is generally considered "game throwing". However, most people get so mad at having their alignment changed most places that play mafia forbid games from having alignment changing roles to prevent anyone from throwing a fit and ruining a game by game throwing, just to avoid the issue entirely. On those sites, if a game includes a cult or alignment change, it's generally an open secret. However, we're one of the few places that doesn't really care, so the mechanic can come up by surprise, though in general if you're converted to a cult and at day start yell I'M A CULTIST NOW that would be seriously frowned upon.
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