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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I thought your question was a jab at me for making the "Town exists" joke
  2. I mean, I appreciate the effort, and won't dispute the findings, but it's not exactly an informative result.
  3. Coolrock, you may not delete or edit your posts during mafia!
  4. Shade, probably, so they don't have to keep playing roulette, or barring that we'd have a rhino exposed.
  5. Coolrock is gonna play with us all the time now that he knows how many likes he'll get.
  6. This is kinda a good point, from a wagonomics perspective, it's not a NK that makes much sense.
  7. I mean you're supposed to be a key mover and shaker, oh Tesla Trooper.
  8. I guess we're so shocked we're holding a moment of silence for Retal, well done.
  9. Meta: That awkward moment when you've left Fire Emblem running in the background mode for literally 24 hours because you forgot to exit the program (first time I've ever done that). At least I actually bothered to plug the switch in yesterday or the battery would be shot... usually I don't...
  10. It's fine now, Shade, but there's a reason you put on pants before going outside. But yeah, unexpected result.
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