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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. So really, we're not bound by truth, but our own personal biases. How's that for being unhelpful.
  2. That's kinda what I meant by "convincing arguments can be made either way". You can literally make any argument you, if you try hard enough, so it's really pointless to try to do so before we even are done with Step 1.
  3. Except Anon, who has posted FOUR times, two of which could have literally been smacking his face into the keyboard and pressing Send.
  4. Another part of me feels the associations are pretty obvious.
  5. Point, but I feel as if we have too little evidence to really draw any conclusions until we resolve FRAYDO. At that time, we're able to look at others interactions with him in a new light and perhaps parse if they are scum or town. Until that point, convincing arguments for either way can be made and we're just talking to hear the sound of our own voice (as much as I like that).
  6. There is a 0% chance the game is over if we kill scum!FRAYDO here. But it's a start.
  7. I mean, there's an extensive list of other people who are also probably baddies, but that doesn't make the case on FRAYDO any less strong nessiarily.
  8. I mean I guess it makes sense. I think it happened shortly after I invited him to a meal to get his motivation up. He seems to be my medic, and I figured it'd be a Good Idea (TM) to train the medic a lot.
  9. Possible... but requires more assumptions than our current path, but also doesn't really matter because it leads to the same place
  10. That said, because I simply can't resist talking about Fire Emblem, got my first C level support with someone this morning, Linhardt of all people. Was not expecting that.
  11. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhatKindOfLamePowerIsHeartAnyway
  12. There should be a remake of an 80s sitcom staring Shade and Cat 5.
  13. I should also point out we literally just have a small fragment of last game to go on as to how FRAYDO acts as scum when people are onto him. I know I keep harping on it, but he's not like other scum in terms of tone. He's a good player. We can't fall back on "what would most players do". We need to ask, "What would FRAYDO do?".
  14. Well that and just through experience knowing resurrection is super rare in these games (though not unheard of).
  15. It's a mistake I might have made if I was the engineer, and, you know, I didn't know to ask Jeod for clarification what the hell "fix" meant before submitting my action.
  16. Yeah, I'm gonna place my vote then go make lunch. ##Vote FRAYDO
  17. Well this is mostly coherent. To be fair, what the role sheet says by "fix" is rather unclear, so that's belieable.
  18. Ye and I might be afk a lot of this afternoon cause the plumber is coming over to *finally* finish the renovation to my bathroom. I'll place a vote after lunch though in case I don't make it back... but I'll also probably be on too if I'm not required to do anything.
  19. Gah, just had a micro power outage and lost an in game week's worth of progress in OOTP. I guess that's what I get for playing that this morning instead of Fire Emblem. (It's okay though, I had a losing record for the week, save scumming)
  20. To use a language you all understand: COOLROCK IS NOT A RATIONAL ACTOR
  21. I mean, I said it in a joking tone, but I was kinda serious about whatever Coolrock doing being "performance art" N00b town Coolrock could totally performance art at scum FRAYDO because he appears obsessed with him, as evident by the shot(s).
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