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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean, unless someone *actually* wants to make a case on Retal... the floor is open.
  2. Yes, to be fair, the Retal train was a pure joke train so it's kinda weird we're even here in the first place.
  3. Oh cause of the vote probably, for a second I'm like is she outing a Louis-Shade scum team and they had some hairbrained scheme here, but no, that's just too crazy. Nevermind.
  4. TBH I kinda feel like he's trying to suck up to me, which may be a bit scummy.
  5. I mean you, impersonating me, accusing me of being scum because I ordered Arby's on a THURSDAY is the height of understanding that!
  6. But that said, anytime someone changes their meta is of course gonna set off my scum detector, that's how I play, you all know that.
  7. Actually no, regardless of your alignment, it's great! Legitimately.
  8. 1) Possible perspective slip 2) While aggressive, perhaps not aggressive enough. Granted, she does have answers, or at least a rationale for how she's behaving in number 2, but I feel as if it's better than the case on Shade, which amounts to "Shade is being a dumbass". Which yes, that could be cover for him being scum and I'm slightly sus of him, but I don't think it's the best case.
  9. Most importantly, it means I don't have to do anything Louis is viable.
  10. I'm mostly ambivalent on both of you, for different, complex reasons, but it cancels out.
  11. Actually I lied... but it's purely based on the fact that I'll be less annoyed with Retal alive than Shade alive.
  12. Though honestly I have no strong feeling about saving you over Shade either
  13. I mean, there's a hierarchy of who I'd save for whom.... but saving Shade in exchange for you... probably not...
  14. Yeah we don't lock votes here. Most places only lock votes at MYLO but we don't even do that.
  15. To be fair, with my complaint, that's really the best place you can be, unless you're wanting to argue for someone else or no lynch. Hell, one could argue I'm being less productive, with my vote on Louis, except my vote is serious, with a case and I'd take Louis over Shade. With such weak trains it really could go any direction *but* *we* *need* *to* *start* *picking* *a* *direction*.
  16. While Shade dying D1 would be far from the most tragic thing that could happen in this game, Shade dying with only 2 votes without it even being a tie vote would be kind of a travesty.
  17. It is alternatively always too late/too early when this BS starts, looks like I will indeed have to explain initiative to Shade. Shade, as town, our main weapon is voting people off the island. Yes in these games we can shoot, but in a game with silos our firepower is reduced. Even though we may be wrong, we have a major advantage by having the first move in an elimination. Why do I say we as in town? (other than the fact that I am town, as this is a theory post). Because town, unless it's a real bastard game, always controls the vote D1. Town's vote share can really only go down unless they somehow take the initiative. Things will only get better if we're PROACTIVE. By not voting D1 we give scum, and possible TP, a free move.
  18. Like seriously, Tomato Pretz... I don't really even care for tomato but these are the best pretzel type thing I've ever had... though I haven't opened the chicken flavored ones yet they're probably better.
  19. I forgot to announce when I was actually eating because I was still waiting for the damn package from Japan (which did arrive now) and the desert is amazing.
  20. Clearly Louis is on the same wavelength as me, we both had rice for dinner.
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