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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. His absolute ride-or-die attitude towards Louis looked an awful lot like scum circling an easy kill.
  2. I shot you cause you're the most anti-town I've ever seen anyone be.
  3. I mean maybe shooting at him wasn't the best, but literally nothing has changed between before I shot and this present moment to improve any of our opinions of Mojo.
  4. If Mojo and I were scum together, he wouldn't be doing whatever the hell he was earlier.
  5. In addition to my 50% kill chance, my night action is Flight, which is basically dig in but better. It makes me untargetable by all actions but can only be used 2 nights in a row before cooldown, and reduces my kill chance to 25% (not that that matters anymore) and would make day shots against me 25% less likely to hit.
  6. I'm a jumpjet infantry, it's really nothing special especially now that I shot.
  7. Explain why on Jeod? I'll be willing to concede that Mojo is probably the more suspicious of the two, as he's the one who's been stirring the pot as opposed to Shade, who to be fair was attacked without provocation was was mostly drawn into this without his consent.
  8. Raise your hand if you're feeling a Shade-Mojo team right about now.
  9. I will say, in the interest of being fair and bringing up a point that could be bad for Louis, I am a role that is NOT on the role sheet that is posted, so secret roles do exist.
  10. If you're town, whatever you're doing you need to stop.
  11. Don't do this. TBH I see what you were trying to do and it was decent. Shade was a bit off, in what limited interaction we did have with him, he was pulling his real hedgey "play both sides" BS he does as mafia.
  12. I'm trying to eat now and you're all posting too fast.
  13. Excuse me, it's a well known FACT I try harder as scum than town
  14. Anywho as much as I love meming I need to go make dinner now so don't kill me till I get back.
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