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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. @Jeod are we using the broken Gen 1 Frozen Status?
  2. Considering that Lapras would most likely have healing items, I wouldn't be too reliant on that. The main concern is if Lapras's Ice Beam freezes mine or my partner's pokemon. It took until Gen 2 for there to be a 20% chance for a Pokemon to unthaw each turn so I don't know if that's been implemented in this game, otherwise there is pretty much no way out except for Ice Heal and being hit by fire attack. Granted if my partner's pokemon is ice, they're immune.
  3. That's a shame. Hopefully it's better than what cat5 has because he doesn't seem too confident.
  4. Hm...actually ##Trainer Sunflower Cat5 shouldn't be here until 6 hours after hammer, so Sunflower would be better.
  5. Unless you decided to learn Psychic, it shouldn't be too worrisome.
  6. I'd have good luck against you, I'd imagine. If you still have lapras, you could only deal 9 dmg to me with Ice Beam while I could hit you with ~20. As for my teammate, I'd prefer Sunflower or Cat5. Although you might've swapped to your T3 Pokemon in which case you might have a chance.
  7. I'm confused on how I'm still a suspect >.> Literally any explanation on how I could be Rocket can be said about Orange as well. I just found something that no one else ever noticed and I'm the one that needs to be tested? Wow, good job. Not really, but it's interesting that Orange is concerned that I get weakened. And what do you mean by their commitment? The only person's commitment you'd be testing is mine. So? I would've done whatever it took, even to the detriment of my other goal to complete this one. I'm just following in Orange, Retaliation, and Shade's footsteps from last game. What do I care about your favor, Orange? Didn't help me any before when I was practically guaranteed Town.
  8. The scum win condition should be to equal or outnumber Town, right? If that's the case, a 3-man Scum team would be silly. They'd just have to eliminate one player to win. I couldn't find if that's actually their win condition looking through the rules but I did find something interesting that I think we all missed. This means that if there are two Scum members, only one of them would start out with an evolved Pokemon. Granted we're so far into the game that it'll only get harder to determine whether a player started out with an evolved Pokemon, even if they didn't, it doesn't mean they're clear.
  9. I'm happy to fight Shade ##Trainer TheIrishman ##Rocket Shade Shade, you've lost twice now, right? And did you evolve your Magikarp?
  10. Oh damn, I know what that's like. Glad both of you are fine. Best of luck when you get back on the road.
  11. I guess we could partner me and Orange up against someone, although I'd prefer to wait until the next day to fight, I'm not terribly concerned about losing.
  12. Hm...I will say that I think FRAYDO is probably telling the truth and is our cop. I thought it was strange, but for the first night I only got a notification of a feeling of being watched (which I'm pretty sure was someone looking at my pokemon), but for N3 it said that I felt like someone checked my ID. I figured we had a cop, but there wasn't a need to point it out until they decided to reveal themselves. Not happy about not being able to fight Orange though :\ Maybe one more match after the game is over.
  13. Although I'm not using Snorlax right now.
  14. Oh well, this should help prove that there's no notification upon completion of the objective. Btw, Sunflower, since the phrasing might be slightly different, are you able to tell whether it's just once or until they're out of the game?
  15. I already said my other move is Double Edge, Hyper Beam, or Body Slam, it shouldn't be that hard to figure out which one it isn't and/or most likely is considering I decided to use Headbutt instead. Double Edge - 120 power, 100 acc: A charging tackle attack. One quarter of the damage it inflicts comes back to hurt the attacker. Hyper Beam: 150 power, 90 acc: User must recharge next turn. Body Slam: 85 Power, 100 acc, 10% chance to paralyze the opponent.
  16. How? I only got one hit in and it was the finishing blow. I was stuck in Fire Spin practically the entire time.
  17. If you capitalized "F" in Fighting moves, I might've gotten the hint, but just saying fighting moves doesn't automatically make me think of the type. I haven't touched Pokémon in over 15 years. Even with normal attacks, if you include my stab bonus, then the reduced DMG against Rhyhorn wasn't terrible. Your comment on me hiding what other move I have is silly. I already limited my other move down to 3 options, it's not like I'm overly hiding it.
  18. I never got a notification that it was completed. The phrasing says to defeat you but whether that's just once or until you're out of the game is unclear.
  19. Fighting moves as in combat moves, of which Snorlax has 4 possible ones >.> Headbutt, Body Slam, Double Edge, and Hyper Beam. You already know I have Headbutt, so it's your guess as to what my second one is.
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