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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Killing You, now that you're cleared of suspicion, what did you vote N1, N2, N3, and N4?
  2. I'd rather use the gun, hit the wrong target, become hostile and forever jailed than get my crap forever taken away and being only able to use a useless trap because Scum was able to avoid it either through their own means or some BS most likely done by Orange if he wasn't the killer. I say if he wasn't the killer because the one night that Orange decides not to use the Evidence Base Key, FRAYDO dies.
  3. Then you were messed with Sunflower is the person I trust the most, but that doesn't stop me from wanting my BP either. Retaliation, how do you know Jeod wasn't attacked, aside from the fact that he's alive? On a side note, something that doesn't quite make sense. The tie. Jeod is supposed to be Radical SQ, so perhaps he voted that instead of Soft, but what about Shade? He's the Monarchy, wouldn't he vote Soft SQ? Players Votes Jeod ? Category 5 No Vote? TheIrishman Soft SQ FRAYDO No Vote Sunflower Soft SQ Shade ? Killing_You Jailed iLikeToSnipe No Vote OrangeP47 Soft PL Retaliation Soft PL Total 2 PL, 2 SQ, 2?
  4. I'm suspicious still so framing shouldn't be the point but it'll take away both my items which I find very irritating. My Medkit is a one-shot bulletproof (I mentioned repeatedly that I hoped it would allow me to protect others to try and lure Scum to kill me) and then there's my gun which will drastically lower stability and make me hostile if there's friendly fire.
  5. I mean, did he mention if actions can be seen with the evidence base key?*
  6. This is either quite the gamble on your part or something of yours got mucked with, but assuming that killing costs PP than I couldn't have voted, which I did. Even if I was able to do both, Retaliation or Shade would've been a much better target than Jeod. Shade, did FRAYDO mention if you can see actions as well? Yeah I have a gun. Thanks for giving that up, but it's an item and the command isn't even kill. I wish I was able to kill you with this gun but unfortunately it has specific requirements to fire.
  7. Jeod, for my table, I considered KY clear since there have been two murders yet he wasn't marked as Hostile. In the last game, once you murdered you became Hostile. Wtf kind of attempt is this? I used Trap on Jeod because either he or Retaliation would be the next most likely Scum target, but Retal is still a much bigger suspect than Jeod so I placed a trap on him.
  8. What do I have to explain? Thanks for the extra PP, btw, though it'll only be actually useful if I can go into the vault. Players Nationality Status Items Role Night One Night Two Night Three Night Four Night Five SQ/PL/A% Vault Items Jeod Galician Suspicious Crowbar Doctor Protect Vote A Jailed Vote A Pick Up Crowbar Vote Pick Up Walkie Vote C ? 95/0/5 Admiral’s Cane Category 5 ? Suspicious “None” ? Unknown Vote Visit Orange Vote B Unknown Vote Unknown Vote ? 33/33/33 Typewriter TheIrishman ? Suspicious ? Medkit Dayblocker Grab Medkit Vote Trap Orange Vote A Trap Jeod* Vote Trap FRAYDO (but ended up trapping self) Vote ? Vote 33/33/33 FRAYDO Hungarian Dead Evidence Key Roleblocker Mason Shade Vote Pick Up Key Vote Roleblocked Irish? Vote Murdered _______ 50/50/0 Evidence Key Sunflower Bohemian Suspicious None ? Unknown Vote Unknown Vote Unknown Vote A Jailed ? 90/0/10 Shade Austrian ? ? “Monarchy” Unknown Vote Unknown Vote Unknown Vote Unknown Vote ? 100/0/0 Killing_You Illyrian Suspicious None Rolecop Cop Irish Vote Cop Jeod Vote Cop ? Vote Cop Sunflower Vote Jailed 50/50/0 iLikeToSnipe Austrian Dead None Thief Unknown Vote A or D Steal Walkie Vote A or D Murdered _______ _______ 0/0/100 OrangeP47 Austrian Innocent Evidence Key ? Track Vote – Jeod, A Vote C or D Track Vote – Retal, C Vote C or D Tracked Cat5’s Vote, B Vote C or D Unknown Vote C ? 0/75/25 Retaliation Romanian Suspicious None Unknown Unknown Vote Unknown Vote Jailed Unknown Vote C ? 0/60/40
  9. I should say that this chart might have missed information because I'm lazy and didn't feel like going back to check, but if anyone wants to add info, just tell me.
  10. She told me to say... So I've reread my PMs and now I think I was roleblocked for N3. I've also asked Nodlied and have since been informed that my traps don't last more than a night. The reason why I think I was roleblocked N3 is because when I placed my trap on Orange, I was notified that I put my trap near him specifically, but when I placed my trap on Jeod, I was only told that I sucessfully voted and never had any mention of the trap. I mostly glossed over my PM at the time. This isn't very important information now that we know FRAYDO had the cane, but I thought I should let everyone know. Since I now know my own trap was used against me then I must've been redirected to myself, therefore I don't think we'll be able to catch the culprit of FRAYDO's murder via votes (although I still think we should all vote just in case). If we lose to the syndicate, the bus driver will be to blame :b And just for verification, Cat5, what kind of trap hit you? I've updated my chart to include night actions and the Vault Items category is supposed to be a separate column from the rest. Players Nationality Status Items Role Night One Night Two Night Three Night Four SQ/PL/A% Vault Items Jeod Galician Suspicious Crowbar Doctor Protect Vote A Jailed Vote A Pick Up Crowbar Vote Pick Up Walkie Vote C 100/0/0 Admiral’s Cane Category 5 ? Suspicious “None” ? Unknown Vote Visit Orange Vote B Unknown Vote Unknown Vote 33/33/33 Typewriter TheIrishman ? Suspicious ? Medkit Dayblocker Grab Medkit Vote Trap Orange Vote A Trap Jeod* Vote Trap FRAYDO (but ended up trapping self) Vote 33/33/33 Evidence Key FRAYDO Hungarian Dead Evidence Key Roleblocker Mason Shade Vote Pick Up Key Vote Roleblocked Irish? Vote Murdered 50/50/0 Sunflower Bohemian Suspicious None ? Unknown Vote Unknown Vote Unknown Vote A Jailed 90/0/10 Shade Austrian ? ? “Monarchy” Unknown Vote Unknown Vote Unknown Vote Unknown Vote 70/0/30 Killing_You ? ? ? Rolecop Cop Irish Vote Cop Jeod Vote Cop ? Vote Cop ? Vote 40/40/20 iLikeToSnipe Austrian Dead None Thief Unknown Vote A or D Steal Walkie Vote A or D Murdered ______ 0/0/100 OrangeP47 Austrian Innocent Evidence Key ? Track Vote – Jeod, A Vote C or D Unknown Vote C or D Tracked Cat5’s Vote, B Vote C or D Unknown Vote C 0/75/25 Retaliation Romanian Suspicious None Unknown Unknown Vote Unknown Vote Jailed Unknown Vote C 0/60/40
  11. Yeah, I am. I'm assuming we only go Hostile when we perform a truly Hostile action, like murder or attempted murder. I thought you said you turned Hostile from CK targeting you or something for July Crisis?
  12. I can't even if I tried. Whenever Nodlied or Voe wake up, they'll prove that my actions are an error because I'm dayblocked.
  13. Oh and if you don't believe me about being dayblocked. ##Investigate TheIrishman ##Nominate TheIrishman ##Vote Reform Economy
  14. I should say, letting Scum get a kill without getting caught*
  15. Because if my ability worked, then he wouldn't be able to vote, investigate, nominate, etc... Although I believe his reason and looking back at it, he did mention his absence before day start but PMs seemed to have been sent potentially early enough anyway. I also don't like that this let him withhold whatever potential ability he might've learned. As of right now either the trap I just set up on FRAYDO was sprung back on me OR one of the traps I set on OrangeP47 or Jeod was somehow sprung against me. I'm having everyone vote to make sure. If a player can't vote (other than me) then they have to be the culprit. And Orange, if the other action you used was to "punish" me then congrats on potentially letting Scum get a kill.
  16. I should mention that I trapped OrangeP47 the second night due to him having the Evidence Base Key and not wanting potential Scum from stealing/killing him without us knowing who it was. The third night I trapped Jeod since he was the one we had visit the vault. My traps don't say whether they stay for only one night or for forever. The player isn't actually "marked" in a way that reveals them to me. I simply said that to force them to be honest and it seemed to have worked. It only prevents the player from voting/nominating/investigating or using any other day action, which we can use this to determine who fell into the trap as long as we have every player vote for at least investigating since it costs 0 PP and shouldn't personally affect anyone. As for what we're voting for tonight, why Soft Pluralism? We're already at 59% for Status Quo, right? If we vote Pluralism it'd just move it back and we'd get nothing done. I think we should vote Soft Status Quo.
  17. Knowing this lot, even if only one or two people were swayed, it'd break the usual tie that we have. Assuming the radicals would join in on it this time rather than voting soft again, then I figured if we're in for a penny then in for a pound, I might as well shift my vote as well. I'm assuming the syndicate wants independent states either through radical pluralism or possibly just stalling all the reforms and lowering the stability to nothing before we can get anything done. Considering how SQ has won the first vote, we'll either have to go back and forth between votes (getting nothing done) or we have to work together and pick a side that'll win. I'd rather lose with an honorary title than lose to the syndicate.
  18. Did everyone reveal their votes already? I fell to Sunflower's charisma
  19. Is hammer today? ##nominate TheIrishman I've been grossly distracted with Hol4 and work. I would've tried to catch up earlier, but I'm out helping my gf right now.
  20. I have been spending an unholy amount of time playing HoI4...I finally managed to get into my second game and I was able to conquer almost half the world starting out as Austria (because I wanted to play out this game on it) :b Still haven't finished but I don't think I can win. The Reichspakt managed to win over Russia, so I'm outgunned numbered and outgunned so I'll probably just settle for what I got. Definitely the most time consuming per match video-game I've ever played. Nice that we got a Syndie, it looks like they are the same thing as Abolishment. And as Shaggy might say, "it wasn't me" who killed him. Honestly, I was very concerned that Sunflower might be a Syndie since she's the one who initially brought them up and because of her last minute suggestion that could've potentially split the radical and soft votes, but I'm not so sure now since it actually worked to bring SQ players together. I think I'm going to try and sleep now but I'll try to analyze iLTS's posts and people's responses when I wake up.
  21. Huh, I guess I was wrong about Sunflower being Status Quo, she's leaning more towards being Abolishment now. She claimed that she was trying to pass her item while instead it was stolen. But she was still able to use her item which, to me, says that she never actually tried to pass it. And she happened to be the person who made us believe in a possible other party, the Syndicalists, which helped add some chaos to distract us. Did I get anything wrong? I just briefly popped back on, been trying to learn all of HoI4 (there's a lot).
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