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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. I never said there was a stack of medkits, I said there was "a medkit." There shouldn't be one in there any longer.
  2. Well, I'd rather go to the vault. My action costs PP and decreases stability. If Jeod is the Doctor, he only has 2P, which means if he wants to protect someone while voting he can't do anything in the vault. If we send him to the vault, it'll be preventing our doctor from saving lives unless he chooses not to follow through with iLTS's offer. ##nominate TheIrishman
  3. Again, the radical and soft and secondary to status quo and pluralism. What I mean is that if radical status quo wins the game with their secondary condition as well, radical pluralism doesn't win the game, but soft status quo does - just with one point less.
  4. Off topic, but I'm about to buy Hearts of Iron IV as a self-indulgent birthday gift in case anyone wants to play.
  5. And Orange scoffed at my chart >.> I think I did a pretty good job guessing a few of the alignments. And it doesn't matter if Jeod "'agrees" to soft pluralism or not, he'd most likely stick to status quo as it's anonymous and his faction.
  6. PoE? Idk what that means. What other ways are an issue? You can safely ignore my probability column if you so wish as it's based on my own reads. I just copied my chart from the July Crisis game where I also previously had a column for my reads. >.> I was too lazy to at 33.33 repeating. Perhaps I should've done 1/3 to satisfy you. You misunderstand. It's the Evidence Base Key that gives players the option to frame people. Both Orange and FRAYDO are now in possession of those keys. In the vault, there should only be a walkie-talkie, but there could be another item in it if we investigate someone who's suspicious. Retaliation, Shade, Cat5, iLikeToSnipe, and FRAYDO are the people that I'd like to investigate in the order I'd like to investigate until more information arises.
  7. Well it's my chart, so I figured me putting the same percentage for everything or just leaving it blank would have the same meaning.
  8. Back at the start when Sunflower talked about herself being a Queen/royal, I took that as an indirect claim.
  9. So, here's my chart. SQ = Status Quo, PL = Pluralism, A = Abolishment (and Syndicate if they're separate). The % chance is based on my own guesses. Let me know if there's anything wrong. I decided against adding soft/radicalism since it'd only confuse things more and doesn't serve much purpose - it's secondary and divides the primary groups more. As for N1, N2, etc.. actions, I'm uncertain as to whether I should add them right now or wait due to the previous concern mentioned in prior games about oversharing too early. Players Nationality Status Items Role SQ/PL/A% Jeod Galician Suspicious None Doctor 100/0/0 Category 5 ? Suspicious “None” ? 33/33/33 TheIrishman ? Suspicious ? Medkit Dayblocker 33/33/33 FRAYDO ? ? ? ? 33/33/33 Sunflower ? ? ? ? 60/20/20 Shade ? ? ? ? 25/40/35 Killing_You ? ? ? Rolecop 40/40/20 iLikeToSnipe ? ? ? ? 25/50/25 OrangeP47 Austrian Innocent ? ? 5/75/20 Retaliation ? Suspicious Something Thief 20/40/40 Btw, Orange, did you get any notifications last night?
  10. ??? I copied half my message, refreshed to see what was posted, then finished it before posting if you're wondering why the text was different. If that's what you're talking about.
  11. So I'm suspicious now. I'm not sure if it's something done to me or if it's because of my action, but I'm leaning towards my action. Do other players have colors to their actions? My trap ability is in red text, which makes me suspect that the color is indicative to how it'll affect my status upon usage. Retaliation, in the last game did you ever go hostile for using your cane or did it stop at suspicious?
  12. But it's better to be up front about it instead of when everyone actually finds you to be suspicious. I'd probably mention it right off the bat. And I guess no one wants me to go to the vault again >.>
  13. Ah, I wasn't familiar with the term other than the dictionary definition. Well then they'd probably be more for radical pluralism since it'd make all the countries equal.
  14. I feel like the Syndicate is most likely the proper name for the Abolishment Party. Because if the Syndicate is some type of gang/organization that's infiltrated the empire, it'd be more likely that they'd want less governmental power/control which would, in turn, give them more power/control.
  15. The ability to potentially save people's lives? Or to access to vault without being nominated (at least that's what I thought it was at the time, though I'd still pick the same decision if I had the choice).
  16. I actually did nominate myself, but I can do so again. ##nominate TheIrishman as for the investigation, Jeod seems like a solid pick since we know it'll prevent a radical vote. I don't understand Retaliation's concern about revealing his status though. And Jeod, I'm pretty sure Retaliation started off as innocent while playing as Town last game, but the moment he started beating people which his cane, he became suspicious - idk about hostile. I think no matter what, if you end up killing someone, you'll become hostile. Attacking but not killing should turn the assailant suspicious and it sounds like - from what Orange has mentioned - we can be framed to become hostile. Being hostile isn't an alignment, just a status that enables that player to be "lynched."
  17. I'm pretty sure we know what happens when a vote ties: nothing. We already did economy but the vote tied and nothing happened. I think we should try economy again to see if we can get a proper reform passed this time. And I do agree with Shade and Orange in regards to radicalism being almost worthless to everyone who's not in the Abolishment group. The reason being, it'd most likely decreases stability - especially radical pluralism. Secondary objectives are just that, secondary. I think we should come together to focus more on stability as it's the primary goal that matters most. As for who to investigate, Jeod is a good pick for his choice of radicalism but at this point if you guys want to investigate me, I'm fine with that too. For nominations, I think Cat5 or myself would be alright. ##nominate TheIrishman FRAYDO and ILTS, you guys busy? You've both been fairly quiet.
  18. I already mentioned that I thought he'd cover for me because it was a medkit. Pointing it out would've been helpful too though because then I'd suspect him as Scum. And I never said the medkit makes me a doctor, just that I thought it would. And you're acting as if I'm not able to trap myself (pretty sure I can since Nodlied never answered my question and it makes sense to be able to with how the action works). Scum are welcome to try and kill me.
  19. I think it's rather obvious, but it's better if he answers that.
  20. An ability that both protects the target and marks whoever else targeted them? That would be over powered. And my target is capable of surviving, as long as no one NKs them. My ability is predominantly useful if my target ends up being NK'd.
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