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Everything posted by Shade939

  1. Anyone know if there's a pit nearby?
  2. Yeah, that's the one. I might have been inspired by Verti a bit.
  3. Yeah, that explains things a bit more...
  4. If we're not then we're basically going to end up doing nothing more than going in circles around each other this entire time then...
  5. You can see why I'm a bit irritated that I didn't actually get to use it though and actually prove my innocence.
  6. Although I might be assuming too much about the hostility of whoever targeted Nodlied if they exist just because they're infecting players with a virus, that could just as easily be an item use in this case since Nodlied thought that someone might have a way to counter it, which I'd assume he would most likely meant an item? I'm really curious as to why Nodlied thought you could cure the virus that he'd been infected with?
  7. Since we started out with ten players, and since it looks like we have one neutral player as ChopBam, plus one TP who targeted Nodlied last night with a virus, that means we should only have two scum members at most?
  8. By the way @Sunflower, how suspicious of Retaliation are you at the moment?
  9. Actually never mind the point I was thinking about. I was completely considering a different chain of reasoning that wasn't even remotely accurate... ##Vote Retaliation I can see the reasoning behind this.
  10. After some clarification in my PM, 4 and 5 can be combined together. I also have my town action, but I was prevented from using it last night if that should be included for the list. So, I had a "Town Action", Roleblock, and Pie used on my character last night.
  11. A fair point, I was also role blocked, which is where telling the truth becomes very unfavorable for me considering their was no NK and this is the first time anyone has been possessed.
  12. It happened and my character was described as being possessed, but I have no indication of what it did for certain.
  13. If the ability failed, it wasn't because of anything I did last night.
  14. It's more a problem of how to explain it without at the same time harming town by revealing too much information.
  15. Mafia Edit: I might be confusing the PM I got for one ability targeting me as two separate abilities. Hence why I'm curious if it could be the explanation for why there was no NK last night.
  16. Honestly, it's debatable if it failed, I might be confusing the PM I got for two abilities that targeted me as actually being the same ability, and that's just the flavor text for that ability.
  17. Considering the likelihood that this could be a scum ability, I'm not inclined to provide answers as to why it failed. I'm mostly assuming the ability was a NK because of the current lack of evidence that anything else was used that would have triggered a NK, and I have good reason to suspect that whatever ability was used to posses my character didn't fully work as intended.
  18. A better question might be why would I tell everyone why it failed?
  19. You do actually get informed if you're targeted by certain abilities you know...
  20. Last night I believe someone attempted to posses my character in order to have them commit the NK. Which I suspect Retaliation just because it would thematically fit with his profile picture, but that might be too obvious a connection.
  21. Mafie Edit: Unfortunately not, it's a bit more complicated than that, assuming someone else wasn't targeted instead. In which case I was targeted with a particularly weird ability instead I'd attribute to Retaliation.
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