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Posts posted by Shade939

  1. Just now, TheIrishman said:

    Again, just kill me in that case. Jar Jar is the epitome of shit-tier characters. The only thing I ever thought was interesting about him was the ridiculous but still somewhat swaying argument that he was Palpatine's master, which made him seem very cunning when looking at him instead of seeing the complete buffoon that he is that with stupid face, the silly way he talks, and his constant clumsiness.

    Looking at the evidence, Jar Jar was force sensitive to say the least.

  2. Just now, TheIrishman said:

    Maybe a more minor decrease then like 2 or 3 points each? Though to be fair, Constitution users don't have much to hurt their opponent with.

    I think it's fine because a 5 point reduction to stamina cost makes them incredibly good at wearing out their opponents stamina, for the free attack when their opponent has to regain their stamina first.

  3. Just now, VERTi60 said:

    Alright, so far the only thing that I think I should change is the cost of ##Jedi Ready Stance, with the ##Defensive Stance, so that Defensive is the cheapest (20 Stam) instead of 25.

    The reason is that I would like players to use Defensive Stance more for the strategic value of preserving Stam to wait for a good opening.

    This is how it would look:


    Well, I do have to agree that it didn't make sense to use Defensive to preserve stamina when Jedi Ready cost more.

    And making the difference between Jedi Ready and Offensive only 5 points helps makes the later a bit more viable of an option. Although, you can abuse your opponent using an Offensive stance by entering Center of Being right before they're about to run out of Stamina on their turn still.

  4. Just now, VERTi60 said:

    What do you guys think should happen if Retal rolls anything other than 0?

    Instant death.

    Just now, TheIrishman said:

    There's so much RNG involved in this...GG FRAYDO.

    From what it looks like, you're better off going in a default stance more often since you will be both given the chance to counterattack and decrease the dmg through defense, while still getting a decent hit in if your opponent is in offense.

    In most cases yes, not only that but it's the least stamina intensive stance to maintain  so it should be your default stance. But once you deal some damage to your opponent, your odds of killing them by entering an offensive stance significantly increase like Retal did once he could attack.

  5. Just now, VERTi60 said:

    Yea this is why I was reluctant to give offensive and defensive stances even one point of attack/ defense points so that they could be still valid in situations like these.

    Yeah, I can see the obvious balancing issues that could pop up immediately, but I find it a bit odd that your character can rest instead of attacking and your opponent can't take advantage of the situation immediately if they're in the offensive stance.

  6. Just now, Shade939 said:

    I'm curious about what sort of effect it would have on game play if you gave an offensive stance a defense value of 1 so you could attempt to counterattack characters with 0 defense?

    mafia edit: 0 offense not defense, it would make sense if you could also counterattack with an offensive stance if your opponent wasn't threatening you.

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