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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. Wellll not totally the same since we purposely didn't kill anyone to try to frame Retal in that game.
  2. Yeah I guess he could just be telling the truth about that. I did the same thing when I was Wednesday Addams.
  3. KY already posted so I think he would have said something if he was going to. It's kinda tricky because Orange looks like he has a lot better justification for being Ducasse but I'm having a hard time figuring what happened to Orange during that visit if Jeod was lying. Still leaning toward voting Jeod. ##vote Jeod
  4. We could always test Jeod and Orange's claim by lynching one of them!
  5. ASL? Mafia: Romance Edition! Irish and Jeod, sittin' in a tree. K - I - S - S - I - N - G
  6. They could both be if they're working together and are trying to pull a big gambit. I don't really think they are but it's not impossible.
  7. I remember FRAYDO was a drunk one time. Can't remember which game that was.
  8. Did you get notified about the drinking thing Orange?
  9. So if someone gets 51% votes, the day ends early and they're out?
  10. I kinda want to try being the co-GM. But if you'd rather have someone more experienced, that's cool.
  11. I was thinking another idea might be to either randomize or balance pokemon selection. We should still get to choose at least some of the pokemon because that's part of the fun, but maybe have like half chosen and half random. Or maybe divide up the pokemon into categories and you can only pick 1 or 2 from each category so it doesn't give special incentive to pick pokemon that start out really strong.
  12. Yeah I had a lot of items but it's also because I participated in almost every battle we had.... so yeah. I think I deserved my items!
  13. I guess one observation for balance and stuff with the moves. Overall the battles were fun, but I think the direct damage moves were way too strong compared to the type formula moves. Like I spent a whole battle getting spammed with seismic toss and was just spamming potions and using support moves to try to survive even though I had a strong pokemon. It seemed like the direct damage moves consistently did way more damage than the type formula based moves. Night Shade, Seismic Toss, Dragon Rage, and moves like that all guarenteed massive damage output no matter what. That was why I taught my Kadabra/Alakazam psywave instead of psychic too.
  14. Tbf KY was afk a lot and I was kinda hoping for an Alakazam showdown next turn.
  15. I taught my Alakazam Psywave too and I was going to use an X Special tonight... so if I rolled lucky I could have done 75 damage in one turn!!!!
  16. Well in the anime, Sabrina befriends a Haunter!
  17. Just flavor but it was my idea when I made my roster.
  18. That I'm actually the gym leader Sabrina and next turn I would have had my Alakazam ready!
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