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Posts posted by Veyrdite

  1. The blame will likely sit somewhere in either the game or your graphics drivers.  There's a really big list of potential problems, not much can be found out without performing extensive debugging on your device. 

    If you are running integrated Intel graphics on that old processor then you will be running some form of period graphics drivers too.  Intel (like most companies) gives up on providing notable updates or development for older models.

    Whether you blame the old hardware or the old drivers is arbitrary; they both need each other to work.  Whether you blame the game instead depends on arguments about "standards" and other such fun :)  Technically anything can run anything, it just takes human effort.

  2. Ah, sorry, I thought your W3Dlauncher was crashing.  The log you attached is for the launcher, not the game. This logfile is probably from some point where you (temporarily) didn't have working internet, hence the TLS connection error.

    MSAA is a type of anti-aliasing.  It makes thing prettier but it's completely optional.

    Thankyou for telling us, this is useful in case someone else encounters your problem.

  3. >  The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

    Is the date and time on your device correct?  This is very important, despite how silly it sounds.  SSL/TLS needs your computer to have an accurate date and time for (amongst other things) checking if certificates have expired.

    EDIT: other things to check whenever you have SSL/TLS problems:

    • Are you using the internet in a country or through a provider (or at a workplace) that does traffic analysis & spoofing (aka MITMing)?  This can lead to invalid certificates being presented.
    • Do you have any special software installed designed to provide device tracing or security?  These can fiddle with certificate checks.
  4. I always assumed AP = normal and HE* = higher damage but less accurate.  Didn't know that all the HE* variants were unique, or all of these rules at all.

    Now all I can think of is "AH", for those cold northern missions where you care about enemy comfort.

  5. Necro merchandatis!

    I have a copy of Renegade that came with two valid serials.  I think they accidentally added another sticker without realising there was already one there on a different 'page' of the case.  Clear jewel case, CDs printed in single colour (green on one, orange on other IIRC), contrasting to my first discs of Rene which were printed in more colours.

    Now I'm remembering using the 2nd serial to host a server and play around with the lua FDS plugin.  Lots of fun creating objects and attaching scripts upon chat commands was had.

  6. Updated  2020-08-21 

    • Added reliable workaround for the graphical corruption in the W3D hub launcher
    • Added info about DXVK
    • Re-arranged several of the older fixes and labelled them as retired

    I had not been able to launch the W3Dhub launcher for a while, but a system update (I think Mesa was at fault?) fixed the issue today.  I'm on a rolling release distro, Ubuntu & Debian users are unlikely to see this problem.


  7. I didn't realise we had sign-on through other platforms here. 

    Did you have to create a password when you entered here through Twitter?  If not then I don't think an actual account has been created for you here.  See if you can change your password (on this forum, not Twitter) when you are logged in via Twitter.

    The W3Dhub launcher likely only looks at the W3Dhub registration database, not Twitter's.  It would be possible to use Twitter APIs to do it, but I suspect it would be nastily complicated and potentially open more things up for abuse.

  8. Shipping lane noise may affect residents


    Water is water, after all.



    Players are not the only people finding it hard to drive in ECW physics lagpolice_crash.thumb.jpeg.57587e3c2a2dd9422af16659889b6d5e.jpeg

    Like magnets!

    The police force in this game is too hard, we need pole-spawning weapons.  Jerad plsfix.

    Debris infighting2100945591_debrisinfighting.thumb.png.eb533fc3425c65ad0e74a0607707df44.png

    Doc, Marty, Santa and the Elves meme template


    Dammit Marty, we stayed too long!

    But Doc, the elves had such nice ringtones on their Motorolas.

    Help me shut these gullwing doors!  And put out that plasma candy cane, it stinks!

    Ouch my graphicsdelorean_draworder.thumb.jpeg.26c9c881268c5ddb1f6834e55538cdcd.jpeg

    Why are the wheel arches drawing ontop?  And why is the body transparent?  I'm lost.  I'll write this off as an organic Delorean with four hands.


    I think my mipmaps are hiding a gambling problem.

    Server record for street maintenance1353095114_streetsignsgetrepairednotdestroyed.thumb.png.97b47fb932b94c51eb82f4323dab1cea.png

    I've tried, no it doesn't work. 

    Worldbuilding and backstorypolice_blaze.thumb.jpeg.1ccffd7d2271370b9b746907fa2d0ef4.jpeg

    The police are very... Blase?   I think they've seen some stuff.  They don't even care about the skin-crawling groupies after the Bugatti.  Let's not ask what's happening on the left side of the picture, I think this must be some police department sport day (with reps from every county).


    Paradise at the park.

    Veyrdite is all powerful


    My secret?  Suppository piloting trains me for strength.


    Jetpack on mount chiliad1790792714_underwaterhallucinations.thumb.jpeg.e45c9ec2f51022335957c68f8e500b01.jpeg

    Monster infighting1467391245_hellfireturretinfighting.thumb.png.f0fb4c54a63d4888e80d1fe829182205.png

    A possible intended entrance to the black market?1217648498_blackmarketpossibleintendedentrance.thumb.jpeg.eca3df52a2b1cbd14335fbf3868d6589.jpeg

    This photo is taken from the bottle-and-doughnut town.  From inside the black market: there is a blocked off entrance that looks like it goes up.  Perhaps it was once intended to be accessible through here?

  9. Has anyone found the jetpack yet?


    7 hours ago, MPRA2 said:

    I'm surprised the map itself isnt just a deer head.

    Area 69 came from the RP2 days which I believe pre-date Jerad. 

    I have a hunch that Area 69 is supposed to be a defence force against the deer.  Area 69 is somehow the "sensible military" in this game (an unusual trope given the genre & other themes).


    10 hours ago, Cat said:

    Nice, this is pretty useful. Also, I think your sewers map is wonderful. I found the Black Market because of it.

    Thankyou Cat.  Glad it has been useful.


    6 hours ago, Threve said:

    Incredible work! Can I use this for W3DHub Tacitus?

    Certainly.  I'm not sure how ECW is licensed; but I'm happy for this to be CC BY, public domain or anything similar (if there are no objections).  Maps should be photocopied and shared until the point strangers are accidentally stepping on them on the streets.

    I was planning to make a few more black-and-white A4-style maps for parts of the game that are hard to memorise.  Alas I only tend to make these things when I'm sick and off work, so it'll probably be another 2 years until you see more stuff :P

  10. Hmm, I thought I had email notifs setup.  Apparently not.

    @sicanjal: still having this issue?  Have not played in a while, I might try reinstalling some time soon since I'm off work sick intermittently at the moment.

    Last time I checked I managed to ruin my dotnet install somehow.  Der Papst has setup a thingy on Lutis for W3Dhub, so I might look at that, and I now have a graphics card that can support dxvk (yay).

  11. I had to edit armor.ini to defeat this guy. 


    Apparently one of the only useful warheads for me was flame, so I made flesh invulnerable to everything else and added a big multiplier to this warhead type.  Watching buildings go down in seconds to a flame tank was satisfying.

  12. nodexpr.thumb.jpeg.2b99b151f0c014882669f81473a1f392.jpeg

    Released in December 2002, Nod expressions are some skins I like to use with IA to make my low-caliber vehicles seem a bit kinder.  How couldn't you love that transport copter? 

    Original download link .  Mirror: nod_expressions.zip

    The author for this pack is listed as "RenegadeZone" Diane, which I think might have been James Bunting's partner.  Kudos to them for keeping this site online, so many skins on other sites have been lost to the internet dark ages.


    I didn't like the Nod buggy skin in this pack so I made my own variant a while back:


    Download: v_nod_buggy_.dds


    For those that find the hard, cold floors of Nod buildings oppressive: delight yourself in luxurious, thick red velvet carpet:


    I have no idea who made this skin, I've lost track of the original archive.  Nonetheless it's kept me warm and comfortable for many years, so I'd like to share it, and hope that I will rediscover the anonymous upholsterer so I can attribute them properly.  EDIT: compression has utterly destroyed this screenshot, it looks much nicer than shown.

    Download: gd_flor.dds


    Finally, I had a bit too much spare time at the Nod air-depo a few years back:


    It's amazing how many airframe washes some crayons can last.

    Download: 19_c130.dds

  13. I put some of the changelogs into a free neural network service.  Some highlights:


    Mothballer update (for those wanting more mutants)

    HE Flute grenade change from shrapnel to High Explosive

    Tractor Beam weapon changed: changed to HE.

    Mesopotamian Turret changed to M-12 machine guns.

    Misc Changes:

    Vitality increased from 100 to 110.

    -enemy's movement speed will decrease by 1% each frame and when movement speed is down, enemy is affected by -35%

    Fighter vehicle can be hit in 2 different areas ( the right and the left "belly" ) at once.

    Aerosmith vehicle speed is higher now by about 10 meters

    Chow Choy Rocket range increase from 117 to 149.

    Goliath 80mm Tusk Rocket distance from target from 400m to 350m.

    Orca & Apache Ghost 75 tank barrel speed decrease from 250 to 200%.

    Sniper 60mm Vulcan Gun duration from 1.15 to 1.24 seconds.

    Stalker 40mm Vulcan Gun distance range from 100 to 120m.

    Tentacle now fires from the sides of the vehicle.

    Now we know the real plans for the 2020 releases :D



    The 120mm Mammoth Tank should be available sometime next year and will be priced roughly $200  (US) .
    UPDATE: My son received a  new Mini Mammoth tank for Christmas!

    I am not going to get into the specifications for the Mini Mammoth Tank,  just know that it is a  pretty  awesome looking design and this will need to be considered. I have attached a picture of it to the bottom,  please check this out if you are considering this tank over the others or just want to know why it is one of my favorite  tankers.

    My god, this could easily be confused for actual mod feedback.   What have I done.

  14. Topology wise: it's very similar to many maps.  Both C&C_Field and C&C_Under have one open route, one infantry route and some overlap in the middle.  EDIT: many IA maps follow this too.

    Texture wise: yes it's going to look like other maps.  I've kept the custom texture count low, it's mostly using default renegade textures.  If this map turns out to be any fun then I'll make the main map geometry prettier.

    Hopefully I'll be able to give this a play online against others soon.  I'll contact DB and see if he is kind enough to put it up on his ttfs. 

  15. @Kaskins do you want us to provide our feedback in this announcement thread, or elsewhere?


    The humvee felt very weird at low speeds today.  Not sure if I just hit some random oddities or if the low gears have changed.

    Goliath weapon changes are going to be interesting to see, I'll have to give it a go.

    Ditto for the physics changes on the strykers and ships.

    Dynamite changes: that's like clipping KTFF's wings!  You monster :D

    Infantry re-arrangements: nice to see the suit'd versions of characters now cost more, so hopefully strategies other than PIC suits will come more into play.

    Projectile velocity equation: interesting.  I know from previous experience on another game that projectile speeds are hard to get right, and that putting random numbers in (as I do) never seems to cut it without lots of iterative testing.  I presume by "weapon size" you mean the shell diam, and that you're only applying this to non-gravity shell weapons?


    > Vile Facility after multiple complain I have make the out of the map a death zone.

    An instant-death zone or one that warns players as they approach it?  If this is invisible it's going to be hard to work out where is allowed and where is not (until you try it).

    Hopefully not invisible instant-death, that's the brother of invisible walls and the child of Vanquisher turrets.


    > Vile facility tree’s are now temp permanently indestructible. Yes Eco warfare. 


  16. A small golf-themed map with infantry-capturable turrets in the centre, intended to dominate the field against vehicles.  May contain visceroids.



    This map is a Work In Progress: I'd like to see what people think of the overall map concept and layout before I attempt making things pretty.

    Many maps follow a "two path" design, where the infantry can weave in and out of both paths but the vehicles can only use the larger one.  This map is an attempt to make obtaining vehicle 'control' of the major route more complicated (and affected by the minor route).

    Various curiosities:

    • A chemsprayer that doesn't shoot "through" the terrain visually, and a general appreciation of projectile (ammo) elasticity.
    • Objects with curious physics. 
    • A minified airstrip.
    • Absolutely zero secrets

    I wanted to name the map C&C_Golfcourse, but it turns out ACK beat me to it.  In the tradition of my username I named the map something difficult to spell until you pay particular attention to the order of the letters >:D

    Thankyou to scripts authors: namely Danpaul88 for dp88_AI_Turret, Blaney for DB_capturable_object, and Jonwil for helping me with my long lists of LE/W3D issues.

    Known problems

    (1) Airstrip drops do not drive out as far as expected.  I'm not sure if this is due to a hardcoded timeout (slow vehicles are more affected) or the sudden drop.

    (2) WF has a few glowly-yellow decals floating above it where the chimneys normally are. 

    (3) Bad meshing of the two golf greens (note the dark areas).  I'm fighting Gmax when it comes to cuttings and small polygons.


    The turrets on this map need scripts 4.x to work.  Scripts 4.x is not bundled with this map,  download it from TiberianTechnologies.org.


    AKA "oh god, I've never thought about how licensing for community maps works."

    This .mix file contains original artwork, 3d models and other assets.  This material is under a Creative Commons BY SA license, copyright William Hales 2019.  Use a tool like XCC mixer or RenegadeEx to identify and view this content.

    This map uses and references material from C&C Renegade, Copyright 2002 Electronic Arts Inc. You need a copy of this game+data to play the map.

    This map uses scripts from TT Scripts 4.x (GPL, source available online).  This map, as far as I can tell, only references ("links") to scripts, however I may be incorrect.


  17. > Based on what Dblaney said Renegade is capable of going beyond 60fps but is best not to as if your fps is higher than the server it may cause some de-sync with the server ( server fixed at 60? ) or at least how I interpret Dblaney message.

    I regularly play in the 100-200 FPS range, never thought it was an issue.

    Is DB talking about physics timesteps here?  The contributions of these (1/60th of a sec vs an arbitrary 1/framerate of a sec) are probably minimal compared to the effects of ping.  Being 250msec behind in your simulation and having different inputs to the server (your player's input) are going to create a lot more divergence than a smaller physics timestep will do.  Shared "lockstep 60FPS" physics is only achievable over LANs, not the internet.


    > In addition, IA texture size are restrict to 512x512 and I refuse to go beyond it, like 1024x1024.

    Thankyou :)  This will mainly affect laptop/integrated vs dedicated users: ie people who have limited VRAM or bad RAM<->card transfer techniques.  I appreciate being able to play games on my laptop.


    > We need the processor that will make single process program to be able to run by multiple cores.

    We're unlikely to ever see a processor that turns a single-threaded job into a multi-threaded one, it's too hard of a problem to solve on paper let alone in hardware. Maybe if quantum computing can quantum-teleport/syncrhonise states between multiple cores & mirror memory banks in some weird ways that might perhaps help, but that's a dream.


    > Yes HUGE difference in directX which may be game breaking since Renegade is single threaded

    I don't follow here.  Is there some inherent performance loss from using a newer directX that can never be worked around, due to threading?  Or is this just a general statement (unrelated to the DX implementation change)?




  18. Prerequisites

    First read and follow Laubi's original tutorial on "Harvester AI Pathfinding" (W3Dhub link).  This tutorial has been around for a very long time.

    The attached "harvtest_paths.zip" file contains three example .mix maps for you to try out, each one is mentioned in the appropriate sections below.  To play these you need to:

    1. Extract the .mix files to your Renegade/Data/ folder (typically C:\Westwood\Renegade\Data\)
    2. Start Renegade
    3. Choose "Host a LAN game"
    4. Change the settings to be:
      1. Max players = 1
      2. Dedicated = no
      3. Map rotation = any one of these three maps

    Between the buildings on the map is a flying harvester that you can enter.  Flying above the map makes it easier to see what is going on.

    You should be running an up-to-date copy of TT/scripts and the latest version of Leveledit (not the version shipped by Westwood, see the TiberianTechnologies website).  It contains several fixes that may affect how well you can follow the techniques in this tutorial.


    We're on an island floating far above a lava ocean.  On one side of the island are the Nod & GDI bases, on the other far end is the tiberium field:


    In between the two bases is a maze with many possible routes for the harvesters to take

    First: setup your map as normal (and as per Laubi's tutorial), but don't create any waypaths for the harvesters just yet.  Make sure to place the "Human" pathfind generator and generate pathfinding sectors for your map.

    In LevelEdit you can show the generated sectors using the menu item Pathfinding->Display Sectors:


    Note the greeny-blue boxes that appear.  Each one is a 'zone' that objects can travel within, and each connects to the sectors that touch it.  Objects in the game work out how to get from point A to point B by following a chain of these sectors.

    You do not actually need to create waypaths for your harvesters

    Despite all of the traditional advice: harvesters do NOT need waypaths.  They can find their way to the fields and back all on their own using the pathfinding sectors.  The only waypaths you need on your whole map are the short ones exiting your Weapons Factory and Airstrip, so that vehicles drive out a little after being created.

    By default harvesters always start in this 'self-navigating' mode once they leave the WF/Air.  They only start using waypaths when they "accidentally" encounter one whilst driving (and several other conditions are met, described later in this tut).

    If you don't believe me: try it.  According to JonWil there is no special code (in Vanilla Renegade harvesters) for handling waypaths. My understanding is that they incidentally can use waypaths because the W3D engine's normal innate pathfinding code (used by all AI) handles using waypaths.

    On the example map for this tutorial: harvesters are picking a non-optimal route when left to work things out on their own:
    Try the map C&C_Harvpath_nopaths.mix to see this yourself.

    How do harvesters "enter" a waypath?

    (1) When a harvester is created: it uses the pathfinding sectors to find its own route to the tiberium field (or other destination) and starts on this route.

    (2) Every time the harvester enters a new sector it checks to see if there are any waypaths that start in this sector.

    A harvester will only follow one of these detected waypaths if multiples conditions are met:

    1. The path is of type 'innate'
    2. The end of the path is closer to the harvester's target than where the harvester currently is.
    3. (Possibly some distance or number-of sector metrics, unknown)

    Once the harv starts following a waypath it will not leave it until the path ends.

    How do I design my waypaths?

    First find the path your harvesters take on their own.  Play your map in-game to find out.

    Next create a path that starts from one of the sectors your harvester crosses.  End this path near (or closer to) the tib field:


    Try the map C&C_Harvpath_Pathed.mix to see this working.  Both harvs end up getting caught by the one path in this example (but you generally want to add separate paths for each), and the path is not perfect so they start grinding against the walls.

    You can use any type of waypath provided in LE, they're all the same:


    I actually use the 'flying vehicle only waypath' just to make people feel unsettled.

    The only requirements are that you change the waypath settings to enable 'Innate Pathfind' after you create it.  You get to this dialog by double-clicking a node on the waypath (not the line part of the path):


    Two-way is an option that is legitimately accepted by the game and useful to consider.  The Human/Ground/Air fields appear to do nothing at all, you can even un-tick them and your harv will still follow the path.

    You do NOT need to re-calculate pathfinding after making or changing any waypoints.  Waypoints are a separate part of the system that are handled during map export (to .MIX).  This feature may be buggy in older versions of LevelEdit.


    Here's an example of a waypath that will NOT work.  Note that the path now starts in the doorway of the maze, rather than in the sector outside of it.  The harvesters never cross the pathfinding sectors in this doorway, so they never 'see' the path:


    They may however 'see' this path on the way back from the tiberium field, assuming the path has been marked as Two Way.

    Harvesters will use your path as long as (1) you start the path in a sector the harvesters already drive over, and (2) end the path closer to the goal than it starts.  This means that you can give them really stupid long routes and they will still follow them, such as this:


    Try the map C&C_Harvpath_Stupid.mix to see this yourself.  Note that one of the harvesters takes a 'shortcut', I am uncertain of the exact logic behind this, but I believe it notices the nearby waypath nodes when it crosses sectors whilst leaving the Weapons Factory.

    If we were to end the path at a position further from the tib field than where we started then the path will NOT be accepted/chosen by the harvesters:


    (They could potentially choose this path on their way back, however, as its end may be nearer their "goal" (eg the GDI refinery) than their current position).


    Confusions, comments or problems?  Ask below or on the main W3Dhub forums.

    Areas that are still not understood:

    • Whether or not this 'innate pathfinding' is exactly the same for all AI in the game, or slightly different for harvesters.
    • What metric is used to make choices on route.  Eg minimising distance travelled OR number of sectors travelled through?
    • How harvesters start waypaths at points other than their ends (ie take shortcuts)


  19. I've only really ever tried the marauders, and I too found them slow + limited.  Since then I've avoided the forgotten, assuming they are all like this.  I'll give the templar a go, thankyou.

    I believe Kaskins/Dblaney told me at some point that a set of unique buildables for the forgotten was planned.

    Related reading: some references to forgotten plans were made by Kaskins in the 'extra tier-0 troops' topic.

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