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Everything posted by Brigitte

  1. Have you considered actually progressing the game? Progression is good for information. I want to progress. Lets progress. The only people at this stage that i am slightly OK with is Jeod and Cat5, I know why Cat5 is not trying to fight the Psyduck and going down different avenues, and Jeod is the only other person who is actively trying to progress the game past an investigation. At this stage, Pokebattles only progress the Scum due to getting additional Levels, putting town in a worse position. based on that wild accusation Team Wobbuffet is scum. Irish has also been partially inactive and could be either scum or silently planning.
  2. I'm more implying that was Psyducks Hydro pump. Die to a weak ass pokemon lol
  3. I am about 75/25 on Jeod, because he literally sacrificed a pokemon to get information. What have you done? Somebody sacrificing was the best move Day 1 and i hope somebody gets a Revive to him at some point, once we verify his town-y-ness. Day 2 trainer battle was fine. But wasting more time on day 3 was not a good move. We should have gone with somebody like J(e)o(d)lteon to clean up what we already knew was in the way.
  4. Thankyou for your vote of confidence in my town-ish-ness, i appreciate that, however due to your lack of wanting to provide information i am still 50/50 on you being scum. !*%@ing up that investigation, granted it was a small chance, has hindered town for a day.
  5. You guys are jacking off and we're still basically on Day 1 with NO EXTRA information about the game mechanics. ##Investigate Route 34 ##Trainer Brigitte
  6. I hope he also realises that he will need to disclose the information about the item he has if he wins the fight as well? I agree and back this mentality up. also ##Trainer Retaliation
  7. Trying to force arguments, Scum?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  8. Could have Scumdoc'd a revive for your poor poor sacrificial pokemon
  9. I see a bunch of kids fighting over who investigates a route when It sounds like you're both taking a gamble re: 70% hit thunder and no crit Hydro pump
  10. Sounds like some kind of debuff - screaming scum move
  11. To me, it makes sense to give us as much information as possible so we can make as infromed a decision as possible
  12. Valuable information we could have used 24 hours ago... A third? Am i missing something or have the other 2 not been identified?
  13. That's out of nowhere, forcing a conversation back to something else without an action... I'm actually starting to get a read from you
  14. Sounds Scumy ? Does Team rocket have objectives they need to meet apart from killing all town?
  15. Now i'm not sure how i feel about the same Pokemon being in the same NPC order Could it be a different NPC? I don't want to send you to die ;( Assuming Gen 2 mechanics are followed correctly The same NPC will be using the same pokemon until their entire party is defeated assuming that we walk the same path on an investigation Assuming there isn't more then one NPC in the path that we take in the investigation route Is the Investigation randomised?
  16. Offtopic: Is there a way to end days early? If everybody has voted one way or another does that mean that things are final and we can end or something?
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