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Posts posted by Louis

  1. 32 minutes ago, Sunflower said:

    Also what's with the baseless speculation about my character and house? Just because we talked about how we liked her a few months ago in PMs? Guess I was right about rebel hunting not earning me any friends.

    ##vote Irish

    That's very true actually @TheIrishman how would you know what she is when she's barely hinted towards what/who she is, you'd better have viable evidence to know what she is, unless you were to have an ability to see who someone is

  2. 1 hour ago, Sunflower said:


    My biggest suspects right now are Voe, Irish, and Shade.

    Voe because I think he would have liked the idea of going to war and because I think the rebels might have wanted someone like that on their team if they converted someone last night. If they didn't convert someone and used sellswords instead, I think he would fit the bill for that too. 

    Irish because he said he would contribute 2,500 troops to help eliminate a player and asked if anyone would contribute more. But loyalists only choose to contribute troops to help the royal army defend a location. The elimination thing is automatic and it says it in the rules. He might have just read it wrong and made an honest mistake or maybe he was trying to catch a rebel in a slip.... but maybe he was the one who made the slip too. Plus I just kinda think he likes being mafia.

    Shade because he's been openly blasé about the rebels almost like he was trying to signal to them that he wants to be converted. And maybe he did get converted last night because of it. And I don't understand why he doesn't care about raking in his old god points.

    PrettyReckless could be rebel too just because I have no reason not to think so. But it would be a total shot in the dark.

    Thanks for the input too, I agree that Shade has bee ln extra shady, however his faith helps us look into anyone who isn't Royal.

    Irish would seem like a likely candidates and I agree he would be a great scum player, the only reason I haven't voted for him is because when I did in Janitorial mafia, I came across as too agressive and got killed for that, which I want to survive

    Voe on the hand has been agressive he's been lying low, or maybe just busy but id hop on the Voe train


  3. 10 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    @Louis I don't fully trust Orange yet, which is why I disagree with his assessment. You're similar to Sunflower except that you're attacking him. Therefore, to me you and Sunflower are similar reads--you've both been helpful toward the kingdom.


    13 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    I'm guessing Sunflower is off your list for today, then. I've already said that I share your assessment of her. But what do the other players think of her?

    I haven't gotten to know Sunflower yet, so I don't have a good assessment of her other than the fact that I don't believe she's scum

  4. 3 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I'd actually read Louis higher for the same reason, really, if she wasn't so aggro on me probably.

    The only reason I'm attacking you is just to make sure you're a Royal and not a rebel, I do believe you are a Royal now but you also told me on my first game not to trust anyone and yet you turned out to be mafia

    3 hours ago, Jeod said:

    Edit: Meaning I disagree with your assessment of Louis.

    @Jeod what do you think of me, out of curiosity?

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