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Everything posted by OWA

  1. Quoted For Truth. This is our reasoning.
  2. You would be right. The C.Leg has a lot of gear to carry around.
  3. Thanks, I think the older version is still up on moddb or maybe my deviantart page.
  4. The CLEG freezes and destroys infantry in a matter of seconds. Tanks take a little bit longerand buildings even longer than that. The key is to overwhelm the CLEG with sheer numbers.
  5. Oh, I must not have posted it then.
  6. Check one of the older blogs, there may be a video there. Otherwise we have two solutions to the problem
  7. Welcome all to this special blog! This blog is truly special because this mod was started around about one year ago. I had a mod before Apocalypse Rising though. It was a Renegade 2-based modification called 'C&C Untold'. We were shunned by the community wherever we went. My lacking knowledge of the internet apparent by using texting language and abbreviations a lot. Our grasp of the stroy wasn't too briliant either. So we closed it down due to the lack of support, rest assured though, I still have some of the assets for it somewhere.... I was in High School, thinking about how awesome 'A Path Beyond' and 'Reborn' were looking, only to feel that something was missing. Like an unfinished painting, an ice cream sundae without the cherry or a missing third piece of the triforce. Red Alert had been done, Tiberian Sun had been done. Red Alert 2 had been attempted many times with each attempt failing miserably. Me and cfehunter decided to act on this. Now for the mod name. I had the word 'Apocalypse' firmly stuck in my mind but it sounded quite empty as just one word. Red Alert 2: Apocalypse. I thought long and hard about what word could accompany this. I saw the mod 'Rise of the Reds' and thought "Don't the Reds rise again in RA2?" I tried it out with 'Apocalypse' and put the word 'rise' in the present tense so it was then 'rising'. It worked well. You could say the mod really started then. Me and cfehunter started up a forum and I began to model. Retrocide also joined and taught me how to make models properly, thanks for that man. He left the mod after it crumbled. One of my first models was a combination of loads of differant ones stuck together with a few boxes. I gradually replaced the stolen bits with my own and it finished looking like this. The Scorpion Hunter by One Winged Angel Soon after the first forums were setup we started looking around for dead fps RA2 mods to get a headstart on the mod at hand. I saw the mod 'Renegade Revived', the mod leader none other than Reborn member, [NE]Fobby[GEN]. I obtained assets from that mod and then went on the search again. The main bulk of our assets came from the BFV mod, Verge of Armageddon. Svensmokavich and Skierarc were happy to give us the assets from their dead creation. We stopped chasing assets at that point and focused on development. But later, other assets came from the inactive mod RA2: Hell March for BF2. Big thanks to Skulking Ferrit for that. Finally on assets, we make our way back to the Renegade community. RA2: Vengeance. I am still chasing Red Alert 2: Vengeance assets but what was donated we have put to good use. The PPSH, the Old V3 model, the Demo Truck and various other models. Big thanks to Renardin, Spice and Permagrin for all of that stuff. The stage was set, we had just setup our Moddb page and everything was going well. We needed team members though. Paradox joined us willingly to lend a hand in the early stages and Nameme joined soon after with his knowledge of mapping at hand. Nameme blew us away with his island attack map for Renegade that was really fun to play. We were at Equinox Games, hosted by Xenon Wolf at the time. It was a mess sometimes as hosting was down, but other times were OK. We moved to Blazemods where Xenon Wolf somehow IP banned himself :S Big thanks to Blazedragoon who hosted us all through the summer ^_^. Soon after, we put out some PR recruitement on the various Renegade forums in an attempt to get members. I got emails from Merovingian and another guy called TTAdvancer (who kinda dissapeared). To this day Merovingian has been one of our single most important team members. Thanks for staying with us man, we love you. Soon after, unwrapper Chevy787 joined us and has been a great help with ideas as well as unwrapping. Another guy, Blckhnd12, also joined us and modelled us an AK47, but he left the team soon after because he didn't have enough time for the mod. Then came the driving force of this mod. Ric. His mouse moves at the speed of light and he is one of the nicest guys I have ever worked with. Ric, I take my hat off to you my friend. Danpaul came and hung around our forums a lot, we were looking for a coder and when he announced himself as being one, we gave him a place ont he team. He has been creating magical wonders with his scripts ever since. BogdanV also arrived around the same time. He was and still is, making a Renegade2 mod. We merged the two mods and he works alongside us. Some of his engine experiments are pretty radical to say the least. ReneCranes anyone? After Danpaul88 and BogdanV, came Mathk1ll, he did us a few textures but was then lured into the deathtrap that is Runescape. ionkill43 also joined and has done a few textures for us. He is a nice guy as well. A few more names that were relevant are Mythdragon and Guywithawrench, both were on the team at differant times but were then dropped from the hiring procedure for differant reasons. And we can't forget the testers! Phoenixx has been here since the beginning of AR time and has been a valuable friend as well as a valuable tester. Also, Spetznaz, one of our testers, now a tester/military advisor, has been here for a considerable amount of time too. Nameme introduced us to him and he has been here ever since. And we can't forget Mighty BOB! He has supported us for as long as I can remember. Pies, I mean, Kudos to you BOB. In the latter half of our times on blazemods, I recruited Tankmaster as a beta tester because of his work on an Unreal Tournament mod, RA2: Armageddon. He will be the guy to eventually do our installer when we get the mod released. Expect a nice suprise. We moved to C&C Source in october. Thats where we got serious about making this mod. Soviet_Deso and Assassin joined us and Soviet_Deso has done wonders with our Apocalypse Tank as you have all seen in previous updates. I saw AxelSnog on deviantart and offered him a job. He accepted an our Colt 45 was textured. Thanks to him for helping us out. I'd also like to thank IHM for being such a good guy, setting up our FTP and helping us test, whilst giving valuable input. Cheers mate Very recently, Spice unofficially joined us and has done some modelling and some rigging work, we are all very grateful for his contributions as we all know how busy he is with Reborn. Spice is also another one of the nicest guys I have ever worked with. We got a whole host of new members just recently. Coolrock and Bluesummers as testers. We love you both <3 Also two very skilled individuals, rm5248 and Urimas. They have both already produced some killer work. That about sums up the history of the mod so far. Now into the real information. The updates! Merovingian has posted a 2 hour 30 minute long video of constructing the Soviet War Factory Internals. This way you can see what does into the making of our models. The internals seem to be layed out quite nicely. So check it out. >>>Merovingian's 350mb Development Video (Save Target for Download)<<< Keeping on with the Soviet War Factory, Ric has continued his textures for it. check out these results below. Now comes another special feature. An interview between myself and Coolrock about Apocalypse Rising! Here it is! <Start> Coolrock: Let's talk about the mod itself first - how's it going? One Winged Angel: The mod is running very smoothly at the moment, we just recruited two new faces, Urimas and rm5248. Urimas works on weapons rigging and animations and his work so far has just been brilliant. rm5248 is a low poly model artist who can make anything out of nothing very quickly, with great results. A few of the new weapons are being built and unwraped by him. Coolrock: Sounds good. Would you mind tell us what your job at Apocalypse Rising is? One Winged Angel: Well, my job at AR is primarily Team Leading, PR and 3d Work. But I have also branched out into the realms of voice acting, sound editing and level edit tweaking. Coolrock: From what I've seen, you do an excellent job! One Winged Angel: Thankyou ^_^ Coolrock: So, would you like to give us a brief list of units we'll be seeing in Apocalypse Rising? One Winged Angel: In the first release or the final product? Coolrock: First release. One Winged Angel: Well, in the first release you will see everything Land and Air based that you get in RA2 when you build a Radar. This means V3 Rocket Launchers, Terror Drones, IFVs, Harriers, Telsa Troopers, Rocketeers and much more. We aim to keep the first release fairly simple so we can get it out to the fans as soon as possible. Coolrock: I see the Terror Drone there, how will this unit work? One Winged Angel: Well, there will be a special room inside the Soviet Radar with special terminals. If you access one of these terminals, a sum of credits are taken away and your camera zooms to the War Factory where your terror drone is built. From there you can control the drone across the battlefield. If you exit the drone, you will take control of your character back at the Radar. Your Drone will be left motionless on the battlefield. Now to attacking. You speed over to your target and fire upon it, this will allow you to get inside the target and rip it apart. The target will start to rock as the terror drone slowly destroys it. The Allies can counter this with a repair IFV, so always keep one handy to combat these deadly threats. Coolrock: Amazing, what about the IFV? Is this unit really possible? One Winged Angel: It is! If you are an aspiring repairman and want to show off to the lads, buy an IFV and the turret will magically change to a repair arm upon entry or upon the touch of a key. They'll definitely be envious of your new power to repair tanks. Coolrock: Very nice. Naval units, will we see any in the first release? One Winged Angel: Sadly you won't be seeing any naval units in the first release, but that will all be sorted out by the second release so just hang tight Coolrock: Glad to hear it! Coolrock: Paratroopers, how will they work? Will we see them in the first release? One Winged Angel: You won't be seeing the American Paratroopers in the fisrt release because countries and such are coming in Release 2. There may be the possibility of a tech Airport on one of the maps which you can capture and paradrop from. With paradrops, you have to go to the Tech Airport/American AFCHQ and access a special terminal or stand in a special zone. This will queue your character up for the next paradrop. During the queueup time, it will alert other allied players that a paradrop is commencing. They can then join the paradrop. When the join time has expired all the paratroopers will be dropped from the back of a plane an will parachute to the ground. In the first release it will be random placement but in future releases you will get to chooose where to deploy your paradrop. Coolrock: Can any unit use the Paradrop, or must they be a GI/Conscript? One Winged Angel: That is to be decided. It would be pretty unfair on the Soviets if a Tanya/Navy Seal were to drop in the back of their base. We'll see how it goes though. Coolrock: Now, I saw you mention that we can capture a Tech Airport. Does this mean the Engineer can capture buildings? I've never seen this be done before and thought it was impossible. One Winged Angel: Well he'll certainly be able to capture tech structures. Whether or not he'll be able to capture enemy base structures is yet to be tested and decided upon. Coolrock: Nice, can't wait to see it. Will the Attack Dog be put into Apocalypse Rising? One Winged Angel: Yes it will, whether you will see them in the first release or not is yet to be decided. Coolrock: Navy Seal/Tanya, will they be allowed to swim in later releases once they're put into Apocalypse Rising? One Winged Angel: Yeah they will, we'll need to make new animations for swimming but you'll see them in the water soon enough Coolrock: How will the Mirage Tank work in Apocalypse Rising? Will it be allowed to turn into a tree and hide from the Soviets? Can it fire and still remain hidden? One Winged Angel: The mirage tank, when moving, is uncloaked. When it is stationary it turns into a tree. When you fire your tank can be seen for a short period of time before turning back into a tree again. I can't wait to ambush the soviets with a whole forest of mirage tanks Coolrock: Sounds exciting. Coolrock: Moving on from Infantry/Vehicles, how many maps will be released with the first release of Apocalypse Rising? One Winged Angel: Well we currently have around 2-3 maps in development, although that figure is likely to increase. Our most exiting map so far is the map 'Isle of War'. This is a straight port of the classic RA2 Map and it is shaping up to be a very exiting map indeed. Big kudos to Ric for that one. Coolrock: Veterancy system, how will this work? One Winged Angel: Well this is quite simple. The more damage you do to the enemy, the quicker you get promoted. Hop into a vehicle and that gets promoted you your current infantry promotion. The one thing you can't do is buy a new infantry character whilst promoted and retain your promotion. Coolrock: Very impressive. One Winged Angel:We have Danpaul88 to thank for that coding wizardry. Coolrock: Sounds like he does an excellent job. Coolrock: How long does the team think it will take to get the first release out the door? One Winged Angel: Well, taking everything into account I think a December release is our earliest estimate. We are currently aiming for this. Coolrock: Sounds good. Coolrock: Alright, I think we've got a ton of details about Apocalypse Rising now. Is there anything more you want to add? One Winged Angel: Well, we all appretiate your input to the mod, so if anyone had any further questions, ideas or anything else to ask. Just stop by at the forums. Coolrock: Well then that about finshes this interview off! Thanks for all the cool information, and good luck with the release of Apocalypse Rising! One Winged Angel: Thankyou. We shan't let you down! <End> Talking about Apocalypses. Check this out. Courtesy of Nameme! Spice is currently rigging a more permanent version. We now have some new videos from Urimas. Firstly, it's a copy of APB and every other current Renegade mod (apart from Reborn)!!! Dual Colts anyone? >>>Video Here<<< And also our beautiful AT4 Rocket Launcher! Model by Svensmokavich, the texture was by the guy that textured it until he was so fed up, he left modding for good(can't remember his name). And here is the Reload animation by Urimas! >>>Video Here<<< Remember we announced sometime a while ago that the Tesla Trooper was coming? Well, we haven't got him textured yet, but I think it's time we showed him to you along with another one of our infantry models. That about wraps it up for this week's special blog. Thankyou to all of the contributers that have helped this mod become what it is now The blog may be updated later this week, but we'll see. cfehunter is now back too, very important news because he is now going to be knocking out textures and unwraps fast enough to even keep you, our fanbase, in awe. Next week we have even more stuff for you to gawp at. See you all then One Winged Angel
  8. Hey AR fans, It's your resident blogger OWA here to put smiles on your faces We have a few cool things to show you this time, so lets get into the good stuff! Firstly lets all welcome Urimas to the team!! He has joined us recently as a weapons rigger and animator. The video below illustrates the reload animation for the Soviet's PPSH Drum Fed Machine Gun. >>Video<< The model for the PPSH was an asset from RA2: Vengeance. Permagrin modelled it, Nightcrawler made the texture so credit to those guys and also credit to TheKGBspy for making the original animation before our new one was concieved. Now lets hit into the renders! Ric has tried his hand at texturing and these are the results. Also rm5248 has been tweaking his newest creation, the Soviet Gas Welder. The gas bottles will be back mounted so expect your technician to explode when he dies. You'll also be able to repair buildings with this monster whilst burning any Allied troops that are foolish enough to get close. (There are stil a few visual bugs with the model that will be fixed up for unwrapping.) Today marks the start of a revolution. We shall aim to get you the first build of this mod either late this year or very early next year. Time will tell and progress will show if we can achieve this goal. We make this mod because we love you guys and I wouldn't want to let you all down. This mod is not dying whilst the others and I can still type! See you next week for the 20th blog special.
  9. Well, if you can pry yourself away from the C&C3 Demo, you'll probably notice that it's tuesday. That magic day for AR blogs! And we have some cool stuff to show you. Firstly, I would like to welcome rm5248 to the team. He has joined us as a 3d artist and unwrapper. He has got to work on some weapon models for each side which should propel mod development speed a lot I would also like to welcome community members, Bluesummers and Coolrock onto the testing team. This completes our full roster of testers for the moment. But enough of me talking, lets hit it into the media! First up we have the Gi's weapon which is some sort of SMG/TMP/Scorpion Model by rm5248 Next we have the weapon for the basic technician. The Cordless drill! You heard me right! Model by rm5248 My hotdog stand is completed now, a few optimisations left to do and it'll be ready to unwrap To round off today's blog we have something to answer a question that has been on everyone's minds. Prism Towers. How will they charge up each other. Lets just say that the answer is in this video along with a new map converted from Supreme Commander. Seton's Clutch. >>The Truth is Here<< That about rounds off this weeks blog. See you next week for more news from the mod and maybe a suprise or two.
  10. Hey all, time for another blog by yours truly. Today we have Pancakes! But now for the other stuff that isn't so important, mostly the AR updates Ric has been hard at work modelling up the Soviet Construction Yard as seen in this WIP below. Also I have been working on a little project of my own... Welcome to Mr Yummie's Hot Dog Cart! The map, 'RA2_Isle_Of_War' has been coming along nicely as well with a few new WIP shots from Ric. Finally, here is one of Merovingian's old models that was never shown. Its pretty good as you can see but a remodel will be in order for the future. That about wraps up this weeks blog. Cfehunter has now made his triumphant return and is now back at the helm of Apocalypse Rising. Keep watching the upcoming weeks for more developments on the mod and perhaps a new edition of Apocalypse Rising Unit Specs in the next blog. See you all next week. One Winged Angel
  11. Hey guys, it's that time again so lets get down to buisness. Yesterday was my birthday and I had a really good day. Thankyou to all of the people who wished me a happy birthday, especially people such as IHM and VinGummi2 who wished me 2 or 3 times So to thank you all I bring you this latest blog of post-birthday joy and pre-valentine love. First up we have a model render. I have updated the Mirage Tank considerably since it was shown last. A new turret makes this model complete and ready for UVW. Model by One Winged Angel, Skierarc, Skulking_Ferrit and TheKGBspy. Next up we have a completely new feature that will hopefully bring you more knowledge on how each unit will work ingame. Dubbed Apocalypse Rising Unit Specs (or ARUS for short). This first edition brings you the V3 Rocket Launcher with vocal talents by me. It's quite scary knowing that people will be listening to your voice all over so I was a bit shaky, but it generally turned out OK. This will not be a regular feature, but when we get new units into the game, one shall be produced. >>ARUS 1<< The V3 model isn't final, hence the stretchy missile rack rams and various other glitches. Finally we have the Soviet's general use pistol, the PPK. Model donated by Permagrin Just as a note, cfehunter hasn't made his triumphant return this week due to his PC not arriving in the post. Lets all hope that he can be back with us next week. Thats about wraps this week up. See you all next time.
  12. Hey guys. There hasnt been much activity from us, I know. But now C&C Source has moved to the new Meaaov network, these forums won't be crashing any more. Now onto the mod updates! danpaul88 has been slaving coding away and has come up with, none other than enhanced AI "What does this mean?" you ask. Well, for starters, the AI now prioritises targets and takes out the object that it considers to be the biggest threat. So if your AI Apocalypse Tank friend is busy blasting away at an IFV then a harrier comes overhead, it will switch targets to the harrier because it is more of a threat than the IFV. Neat eh? Also, this new AI can differentiate between armour types so if you were thinking that the AI Mammoth Tank was too stupid to think to use the rockets on you and your rocket soldier friends, think again. The AI like to ruin your day by making it's shots effective >>>Here is a video of it all<<< Now, you may or may not have seen our new userbars that we have been flashing around, courtesy of Merovingian. Check out the one he made for all you AR supporters [url=www.ar.cnc-source.com][img=http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/9775/aruserbarsspge6.jpg][/url] For one of the releases of Apocalypse Rising, we may include a training map for the n00bs to play before they come into an MP game. This mission will feature the mod devs as tactics instructers with all new voiceovers and maybe a few easter eggs thrown in. More on this in the coming month Finally, we have something map shaped from, our 3d messiah, Ric. Remember the Ra2 map, Isle of War? Well here it is in it's 3d WIP form. NOTE: This map is only a WIP example and will be heavily modified before it goes into Apocalypse Rising. The textures are an example of the climate this map is set in and are also not final. Well, this has been a pretty good blog all round and before I wind it up, I have some personal news from me to give to you. Next monday, it is my birthday! This has been an Apocalypse Rising Dev blog brought to you by One Winged Angel. See you next week, when cfehunter makes his triumphant return! Update: The main building of the Allied Forces, the Constructuction Yard, is ready to build! A model by the VOA Team with a texture by Skulking_Ferrit. That really is all until next week
  13. Well this is the last blog of January and we haven't missed one yet Since C&C Source has been very touch and go lately, we don't have much to show. But I'll scrape the bottom of the barrel for some stuff, don't worry First off I would like to wish my good friend Grogsy a happy birthday for today. That sly old dog is now 17. Fancy that. Legend! OK now to the mod updates! I showed the Allied Amphibious Transport last week. So here is the Soviet one Modelled by none other than Svensmokavich! Next is the Typhoon Attack Sub by Svensmokavich Finally there is the Weather Control Device by Svensmokavich (again!?) As I said previously, there isn't much to show but we will try and put something out every week. See you all next time OWA
  14. Hey all your Capitalists and Communists out there! Its time for a blog. We have some scripts to show off as well as a new render. Lets get to it! First up we have the Allied Air Force Command, where Allied aircraft will be able to re-arm ready to take the fight to the Soviets. Model, by Svensmokavich, Ric and One Winged Angel And now a scripting update. If you had any questions on how the Terror Drone remote control system was going to work. This video should put your minds at rest. >>This is how, see it now<< Finally we have another script to show you. See if you can work out what it is Thats all for this week. Tune in next week to find out more!
  15. First of all I would like to wish everyone the best in this new year. We shall be revealing lots and lots of new content over the year and at a push, a first release. But down count on this, it is only a rough estimate. Oh and sorry for the delay of this blog... Now, to the pictures!!!!!!! First up we have a remodelled V3 Rocket Launcher. This was done by none other than Exdeath/Spice/DeathAX from C&C Reborn. Big thanks go out to him. Next up Ric has Unwrapped the Desolator Cannon and AxelSnog has begun to texture it. Finally, our good friend Merovingian has provided you all with a render of his Tesla reactor connecting walkway for you to check out. Modding the RA2 buildings to suit an FPS game brings about awesome ideas like this one. Enjoy. Blogs will be back to tuesday next week. Thats a promise I hope I can keep.
  16. Well, firstly I hope you all had a good christmas Lets look forward to next year and hopefully a release. I have some late presents for you all. The team that work on the Renegade Scripts package recently released Scripts.dll 3.1. What does this mean? Saberhawk, from A Path Beyond, has been working flat out for the benefit of the community on the Shaders.dll library file for Renegade and its mods. It means, with the generous release of the file, that can use fancy bloom effects and sharper shadows for Apocalypse Rising! Let me show you what I mean... See the moon glowing on this picture and also the sharp shadow. KABOOM! Look at that smooth explosion Finally, I have been quietly working on the Patriot Missile System. there are still a few things to fix, but it isn't far off completion. Special thanks to Saberhawk and the team that work on the Scripts package for these new enhancements that litter this blog. Thats all for now. See you next year!
  17. Well guys, this is our last blog before Christmas. Everything is starting to wind up for the year but, rest assured, you will see a blog on boxing day (the 26th). Lets hit on into the renders! I recently finished refurbishing an old IFV model which I had lying around my Hard Drive. This one is from VOA so credit to the guy who started it. I fixed it up and made it renegade worthy. Next up is the Allied Warfactory. This was originally started by Sloth from Reborn and it was complete, but I didn't like it because it was inaccurate to the RA2 version. Here it is fixed up in all its glory, ready to be finished off. Currently we are working towards a playtest featuring all of our finished stuff fairly soon. I have a lot of free time over christmas so I can get stuck in on the action. We'll get a video produced for you when the test is finished and we are happy with it Vote for Apocalypse Rising on Moddb!!! We need your votes as bad as cfehunter needs a new PC! >>Vote Here<< Finally, cfehunter seems to have dissapeared off the map since Saturday. In his absence it leave me in temporary charge until he gets back don't worry, I won't break anything.... See you next time for more renders and maybe a suprise or two.
  18. I'm back off my holidays and ready to work. Now I don't want to drone on about how things are going on with the mod when I may as well show you. Here we go then. First up is the Flak Track Model WIP by AxelSnog Next up is a double dose of Soviet defence, the Soviet Tesla Coil, which I have been fixing up recently and the Soviet sentry gun. And finally here are some ingame images for you to feast your eyes on. Big thanks to Renardin for allowing us to use the V3 Rocket Launcher in our mod. Hope you liked everything that was on show this week. Stay tuned for next weeks installment
  19. Tuesday comes round so quickly..... Anyway, I have some visual delights for you! Here is the Battle Bunker, modelled by Ric Also, danpaul88 has been working really hard on the scripts that make the chrono miner work. Here is a demo video of this along with some other various aspects of the mod thrown in. >>Video Here<< The mod is going really well at the moment and we all hope to show you some more stuff next week. I won't be doing the blog next week because I am on holiday So expect someone new to step up.
  20. Well, it looks like I am here again to do the blog We have some nice pictures for you to look at today. First up is the Allied Pillbox. Worked on, in total, by Svensmokavich, Ric, One Winged Angel, cfehunter and Soviet_Deso. Next we have the finished Warminer. Model by myself with asset contribution by Skulking_Ferrit and cfehunter for the tracks Finally the Colt 45 modelled by Ric and textured by Ex APB Dev Team member AxelSnog. Lets give a him a warm welcome to our cause There are some interesting scripts being developed by resident script god danpaul88. The veterancy script is just about finished. There is a working Chrono Infantry script and Chrono Miner script in the works. The first of the two looking really good. Thats it for this week. Stay tuned for next week's update. True to the two Ronnies "Its goodbye from me. And its goodbye from him."
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