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Everything posted by ChAoS

  1. I've had a copy or Ra2/YR from a collection and from TFD and both always worked fine, I never even played online pre-xwis...
  2. Xwis runs it since it was shutdown, but it won't work without a valid renegade serial
  3. If you are seriously playing the tutorial then you probably would not have changed your keys. If you have you should know what key does what.
  4. Engineers repair vehicles and buildings Technicians repair buildings
  5. what air unit would they attack Kirovs? don't forget with armor.ini you can make missiles do nothing to air targets.
  6. I doubt the Renegade AI would work well with something so abnormal as a terror drone
  7. robot tanks were pretty awesome in RA2. I'd say if this whole engie rewire takes place that the vehicle is controlled directly by the engie. you could say his suitcase holds a remote. and just have him despawn (fake way of entering the vehicle) and just have it die via the traditional way. I'm doubting to expect a 50 engie/TD/RT rush. so it's only ever going to be 1 or maybe 2 at a time if that.
  8. It can go into the War Factory at least
  9. I've brought it up before I got a no.
  10. I'm thinking of a way Ivan could place dynamite on friendly targets without noobness
  11. I don't believe they will look too much different.
  12. 1. I believe we are planing to include all of them 2. It's undecided I think a good way would be for it to be a building or fake world box vehicle that has remote terminals for the planes. so other players can ride on the ship and use the remote planes. I'm not quite sure if any of this is possible. 3.If I have anything to say about it, it will.
  13. I'm not 100% sure but I don't think the terror drone would be able to jump from left to right or backwards.
  14. Nice the tech buildings should really add a a lot to gameplay.
  15. Well I was trying to say that the terror drone would be a good counter to the sniper, guess I didn't' say that quite right.
  16. I can't remember if the sniper did much damage to the terror drone, but I can imagine that would be quite a nice counter.
  17. I don't think GI's will be able to do as much damage to vehicles as they did in RA2 even when elite, It's just something that does not fit into a FPS correctly
  18. I don't think you will be able to buy more then 4 and 4 cannot kill the Conyard in RA2
  19. Why not both, Maps with only a War Factory should have Terror drones still. But you could have them usable from the radar as well, and keep the radar relationship with the terror drone. Basically what V1410nl said. Besides having to go to a single room to use the terror drones is neat, but the other vehicles can be built from anywhere, This gives the Drone users a bit more freedom.
  20. Maybe just make 2 of the turrets AI until replaced?
  21. Haha that It would, I'm not too sure how the transports model will look like inside but, will you even be able to see outside of it?
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