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Everything posted by ChAoS

  1. I say no to the cosmonauts on earth.. Any moon maps sure
  2. LOVE that video did not know vengeance had so much stuff. soccer ball (football) was great too also lol at the balls are inert love that vid too
  3. Yeah thats true but being able to drive tanks like in the battle field games whould be cool I think it was brought up a while ago.
  4. I could not help but notice the camera angles on the tank videos does this mean we may get an option for 1st person in tanks or should that be ignored.
  5. Man I found that easter egg fast I know a good place you could hide it Apoctank looks great besides the turret is a bit to far forewords but thats Westwood for you.
  6. umm your do know this is a different mod and that is based of of red alert 2 and seals are in that game right?
  7. I kinda want to say that the model is too good it does not give me the RA2 SEAL feeling. like its too realistic and I thought you were going for a more cartoony feeling like RA2 had.
  8. wow it all looks great. man i love reading the blog before the news is posted
  9. Everything looks good cant find the easter egg. Great job at hiding it. I almost missed this blog playing too much WOW god it's fun. Nvm i found it using view page info
  10. ohh you got to do the McRoo burger too! And masivesoft campus.
  11. I like the Healing idea thats how it is in Yuri's revenge. The red alert 2 way was not good as you had to put 1 unit in at a time which is boring. oh yeah nice models.
  12. No Its not a shame it means's a faster 1st release, If thay did every thing before releasing it would take twice maybe three times as long before anyone could play.
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