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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 2 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

    The main thing to worry about is that the FBI looks like it'll almost fill up as red upon a Town's death, using ChopBam's death as reference. It looks like it'll have like a millimeter left (if it's accurate), so regardless if Orange or Voe die, we shouldn't lose since their deaths should either bring about less of an impact on the FBI or give us a greater buffer if either one flips Scum. They're the two most likely Scum and Orange should be able to damage Voe (or even kill him if he has FRAYDO's luck) making it easier for Retaliation or myself to end Voe during the next duel.

    If I'm put up there, it'll we might lose if the FBI isn't completely accurate, and we won't gain any advantage against Voe. We'll just make him stronger and potentially lose the game. Alright, I gotta work, be on around 4:30pm EST at the earliest.

    I must be the slyest of all scum if i could bring the game this far while being absent 90% of the time.

  2. 11 hours ago, ChopBam said:

    Did we ever get confirmation that @Voe actually ended up using this? It'd be excellent to confirm that and rule him out from being corrupted. Of course, all we'd have at this point is his word..

    I'll spare you the pain of guessing. I did not[/u] light meditate as it has a full heal attached to it, and i'd rather keep it on for when i need it.

  3. 1 hour ago, ChopBam said:

    Wooooo we got 'im!!! Tbh I wasn't expecting that, but since Cat5 nailed him I shouldn't have been surprised.


    1 hour ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Technically wasn't Sunflower the first to vote Jeod this game? Does our newbie deserve a round of applause?

    Yeah, you got him. Yeah, sunflower did it >_>

  4. Just now, Jeod said:

    My goal was to stay out of duels as much as possible. I was doing a great job of it until Shade whispered "he's scum for sure vote him avenge me" to a living player. Scum aren't even OP in duels, so there you have it. Wish I'd just left when I wanted to and not wasted my time.

    I didn't know about that. Wtf

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