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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 3 minutes ago, FRAYDO said:

    Orange dayblocking Killing You was staged to give him Townie points. Orange was clearly going down but made sure to leave a positive light on KY. Killing You seems to have it out for me, as well as he should. Killing You is scum.

    I think that, too. I got your back.

  2. Nailed it.

    Alstar voted nobody
    ChopBam voted OrangeP47
    FRAYDO voted nobody
    Jeod voted nobody
    Killing You voted OrangeP47
    Voe voted OrangeP47
    Kamuixmod voted nobody
    Nodlied voted OrangeP47
    OrangeP47 voted nobody
    Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody
    Given the account of fraydo being roleblocked and following on the alstar being town mindset from the day earlier, it leaves us with jeod and kamuix as the final two scum.
    Alas, time to sleep. See you tomorrow. 
  3. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    He's an unstable element who's clearly about to do something against the group wishes. I mean, I like KY, but he's trigger happy. That's just how he is. While I'm opposed to FRAYDO, as town, I have to abide by what the group consensus is, and if that means stopping someone from offing someone (I assume, I'm not sure just WHAT KY was going to do) recklessly, that means doing so.  Given how you generally act, I'm surprised you've not encountered this philosophy more.

    KY didn't say what he was going to do. You went all out roleblock without questions. This is unacceptable.

    Can KY still vote?

  4. 4 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Put me in the "I think Cat 5 is coming back" column.

    That doesn't mean I trust him, though.

    The more i think about it the less comfortable I feel about holding FRAYDO another night to await cat5s potential return and his potentially trustworthy judgment.

    I mean, we don't know absolutely anything about him.

  5. 54 minutes ago, kamuixmod said:

    Tbh if it wasn't for Cat5 revealing his ability then we wouldnt even have this conversation and straight up lynch FRAYDO though this situation in generell makes me uneasy as i cant be 100% sure of anything right now.

    Fair point. If we ignored everything Cat5 said yesterday (and, to be fair, we can't know whether he was telling the truth anyway), fraydo is like the most obvious of obvious choices.

    Who still believes Cat5 is coming back?

  6. 21 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

    So you got an unexpected result as well? It's interesting to note that I also targeted Orange.


    21 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

    Well mind you, you have been quite vocal. I instead returned a result on Category5, though I cannot explain his mysterious disappearance.


    15 hours ago, Alstar said:

    Yeah yeah explaining. Irishman messaged me with the fact that he messed up a bit during sending responses and now i received information that the only person visiting him was FRAYDO.

    I don't think fraydo said anything since.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    FRAYDO being scum could be checked into on Day 3, if Cat5 doesn't return. You might'e missed it Kam, but we're pretty sure that Cat5 is only phased out due to his role.

    I'm not that sure.

    TBH i don't really think Cat5 if coming back, either. It'd be a dumb role which has to die to use their abilities.

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