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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 1 hour ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    No, you don't understand. The Medical Team were the people taking the "it" away, being the body. The only thing you did was "sweep" it. To read anything else into it is to potentially read into a lie.

    The medical team took the body away. Not the items potentially found on the body. And no, VERTi60 didn't take the body with him either.

    As VERTi60 performed the kill, he had the privilege to loot his victim. Whether the victim had items or not.

  2. Counted all votes aside from Retal, who didn't specify what he actually voted for.


    Gentlemen, the situation looks dire. Find the warmongers, or a Great War is upon us!

  3. 8 hours ago, VERTi60 said:


    Rolling: 1d100

    Result: 16

    Vertigo takes another swing at Killing_You. Third time's a charm, eh? 

    The grenade hits KY centrally in his throat. The man falls to his knees, gasping for air, but it's not worth much as the subsequent explosion rips his head off.


    Killing_You, the Suspicious Non-Aligned, has died!


    VERTi60 does a quick sweep around the body before the medical team arrives and takes it away. Killing_You's identity will be known tomorrow!


    Incoming CVC.

  4. Speaking off topic, I did not anticipate that the avatar I chose for this game and the tragically killed person portrayed on it would become a subject of dank maymays.

    Also sorry for the delay. 20 google docs 50 pages each plus 30 excel tables and spreadsheets plus a potato laptop which freezes upon scrolling any google doc makes it super hard to process at a reasonable rate.

  5. z0gEujU.png


    Thankfully nobody died last night! But the world tension is spiking fast and the Great Powers are seemly not able to solve the crisis. We must work quickly before this spirals out of control. Go forth!


    Even though things are getting tense, we still have time to read the newspaper.





    As the situation grows more and more desperate, some of you realise that investigating your targets might not be enough! Current world tension enables a new action: ##vote Lynch

    Players can cast either an investigation, or a lynch vote. Resolving the day will take into consideration the majority action vote first (either investigating or lynching), and only then the player with most votes in said category! 

    Good hunting! The war can still be stopped!


    Good news! We've discovered new evidence!

    ''Lead on the assassins''
    ''During the interrogation of the assassin Gavrilo Princip, we have discovered that the Black Hand managed to smuggle their weapons into Bosnia unnoticed, finding out how this was done will surely lead us to those responsible for the crisis!''

    EDITend: (The CVC below does not take the found evidence into account.)



    As the crisis evolves, so does the atmosphere of danger and threat!



    It's also my favourite track of Death or Dishonor so bear with me! ~Voe


    ~48 hours remain until the end of the day!

  6. 39 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

    Small mod announcement here. I've been far busier today than anticipated. Speaking to the first half of the parents took longer than I thought and I only managed to get home around 15 minutes before hammer. Because I believe that the same will occur tommorrow I will throw Voe at the night results. So if the next day phase starts a bit later, don't be too harsh on him. :v

    It's an abuse!

  7. bXLurqG.png






    The day has come to an end and it is time to tally up the votes. Looks like OrangeP47 is going to be investigated. His real name is Carl Aiger and is an Austrian national. He currently has no items. However he is currently --- Hostile! He will be arrested and jailed for the time being. We’ll see what we will do with him later. His items have been confiscated and transferred to the vault.



    Additionally, you nominated VERTi60 to gain access to the vault tonight!




    Good news, we have found new evidence!


    ‘’French Involvement’’
    ‘’An interesting event happened in Toulouse, France. It was there where the Black Hand met to discuss their future plans. The fact that this meeting was followed by a French warning to Serbia about a potential assassination on the Archduke shows that the governments knew about the attack well in advance.’’


    It has been transferred to the vault to await your further judgement!



    The info chart has been updated:



    Sleep well everyone. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time!


    24 hours remain until the end of the night!

  8. 1 hour ago, Killing You said:

    If this grenade fails, ##SUICIDE

    Happy now? Maybe I should request scum roles from now on. Clearly it's the only way I'll ever be of any benefit to town.

    You gotta try a little bit harder to get yourself killed. No easy ways out.

    4 minutes ago, Killing You said:

    I'd have a vote on him, but FRAYDO outright said that he had the evidence and the spyglass. I figured he'd be Priority Alpha in that case. And I don't believe that he got demoted to Innocent.

    That makes Orange the thief, then. We've got our scum team.

    I suppose Chaos can trace FRAYDO and see where he passes the stuff to, then? I guess I have no reason not to ##investigate Orange.



    Looks like we have a majority on Orange. I'm not sure if there exists a hammer for investigations though so hang tight.

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