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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 1 hour ago, thedisclaimitory said:

    pyre band me for no reason he either warned me and some how I had 2 but I didn't have 2 warnings  so how did I get kick plus what he hell did I do I was only messing around and fraydo told me not to mess with ot again or he kicks me then i dint do it and py kicks me for no damn reason

    We invite you to make a complaint thread in the Bans & Complaints sub forum. 

    You can explain your case, as well as post any relevant screenshots or chat logs there.

  2. On 8/26/2017 at 1:12 PM, Chaos_Knight said:

    Well the ideal solution would've been to not derp WT from the get go but alas. And game kinda "blew up" anyway, didn't it? :v 
    Oh well.

    I'm sorry, ive been resolving the night for 4 hours after coming home at 10pm. Next time I'll just extend the night for another 24 hours because why bother.

  3. 5 hours ago, VERTi60 said:

    When I bluff shot Retal, voe unlocked the gun.

    I was making a post explaining the gun error to stop Vertigo from potentially blowing up the game by misguiding the town into lynching him (not the wording i'd have used). 

    However, as I was already previewing my post, he used the ##shoot command.

    I could have either let him shoot Retal indeed, or punish him for using fake actions (and blowing up the game through my own moderation error). Which one would you prefer?

  4. 1 minute ago, Chaos_Knight said:

    I am getting a strange desire to not play games with Voe as GM >_>

    It wouldn't have been a problem if vertigo just swallowed it and accepted that he cannot use his gun in the end, but instead he spammed 3 straight pages threatening people and tried breaking the game in response. Was i supposed to modkill him, let him suicide?

  5. Additionally, I also could have locked your gun after you incorrectly shot it for the second time, so you're welcome a second time :v

    Plus, if I didn't mess up the world tension and had not needed to reduce the pistol shot WT requirement from 75% to 70%, you wouldn't have shot at all :v

  6. Just now, VERTi60 said:

    TBH the game felt a bit on the town side, with so many PRs (I started as vanilla btw with just backup action). Also town had too many safe proofs.

    TBH if i let you kill Retaliation as you originally wanted, you'd have lost the game tonight through world tension. You're welcome.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    You also are lying about the gun, because if your conditions are as you have stated, you can shoot yourself.

    Suicide by any means is not acceptable. We will not resolve any shoot-self or suicide actions, regardless if "potential conditions" are met or not. Hope I made it a bit clearer.

    25 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

    The edit reason for this post (not shown) is that WT was reduced from 76 -> 71 due to not realizing KY's alignment.

    That message should still be displayed, unless Nodlied hid it for his own reason. I think you should be notified when I make a mistake, even if it possibly gives a spoiler.

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