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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 6 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

    Scum could jump the vote at the very end, but that'd be such an obvious move we'd nail them right away next day. That's the only way it could go wrong, outside of Cat 5 lying about what actually happens, but if he does that, again, we'll know its him and nail him right away.  I may have missed something, but I can't find any other threat.

    Who should I vote for?

  2. 10 hours ago, Jeod said:

    I'm not getting anywhere with Verti60. I should have been told I was dead the moment Mojoman's shot was resolved. I was led into a false sense of security believing that I'd become a random infantry unit at the end of the day. If I'd known that my death was secured, I would definitely have focused on a different player.

    Hope town can pull off a win. Good luck.

    This is hilarious.

    Guy gets a crazy overpowered gamebreaking role, and when he dies after daring someone to shoot him, he makes drama because VERTIGO DIDN'T INCLUDE EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE GAME INTERACTION IN HIS PM. What else, maybe include the whole game set up with player names attached? 

    What is the point of having a role with, eg, special form of kill, when every person in the game is to be notified of its existence? 

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