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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 6 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Whatever happened to Voe was probably done by a veteran that knows how "useful" Voe can be when given something like that, and also is willing to take the risk of it backfiring.

    That person clearly did not know about my runny mouth and inability to hold secrets, so I'm sure it wasn't Nodlied :v

  2. 26 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

    It's not a FNA or FCA you can use? I'm guessing it didn't come with another ability to complete a set like normal learning then.

    So it's kind of like I said, a contamination/infection. I'm unsure if it'll actually turn you into Sith (unless there's only one right now), but it certainly won't help us. It's probably best to be on the defensive, Voe, in case hitting you with it again leads to Anger and then Hate.

    Nope, unless Vertigo forgot to include it in my PM.

    Both of my tier 2 actions have been added, though.

  3. Just now, Jeod said:

    TheIrishMan is claiming the former, that his Intelligence attribute allows him to use ##Learn twice in one night. I'm simply asking for anyone else with the same attribute to confirm that. If it can't be confirmed, then it obviously warrants a closer look.

    I can confirm it. I learned two tier 1 actions, though.

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