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Posts posted by Voe

  1. I need to clarify.

    I have 2 abilities - Day Kill and a Spare Tire passive.

    Day Kill is straight forward, but the spare tire is an ability which triggers when a Mafia Player gets killed by any means. I can use the spare tire to a) recharge the day kill, b) apply night time bulletproof, c) apply day time bulletproof or d) apply lynch proof.

    I was not bulletproof from the start of the game. I said so to avoid being targeted before I could activate it.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Jeod, that was me.  My real role is that I'm a jailkeeper. I knock people out and take them away. My target is roleblocked, but they also cannot be killed during that time.

    Oddly, my action from N1 was both delayed to N2 and target switched. The delay was because apparently TheIrishman decided me activating my role locks me in time, instead of just disappearing like I imagined it. My original target was FRAYDO

    I don't believe any claims you make from now on.

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