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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 8 hours ago, forg0ten1 said:

    been playing this game for a long time, and not normally one to complain about players, but this "lag" is kinda rediculous

    There is a reason I asked Pyryle to make this thread. It doesn't matter if it's out of your control Pyryle, but you're getting an unfair advantage over the other players. 

    I, on my part, am willing to let this slide. I know I'm biased as we're old time friends, but I also know Pyryle is an amazing player and if he kills me with lag, he probably would have killed me without as well.

    However, it is the community opinion that matters. I wonder what you guys think.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:


    1. He was always radar-visible.
    2. He could be removed with 1 click of a hitscan sniper.
    3. Maps were way more open with far less props.
    4. You are comparing 1500/1800 commando unit which purchase is announced server-wide to a 400 common mook.
    5. Kov camp spots were well-known and easy to check.
    6. Kov shots were still easier to track due to them being tri-shots which allowed a degree of tracing.
    7. 3D radar.
    8. Kov shots had next to 0 splash so one could easily repair whatever they attacked.

    That's just from the top of my head.

    And 2 more after a bit of thinking:
    9. Kov shots weren't silent
    10. Kov shots produced extremely highly visible explosions with lots of particles and other stuff.

    Nuff said.

  3. 4 hours ago, SilverShark said:

    A quick one of last night's games

    I literally thought I made it. :D

    Also, that v2 sniper kill, you stole it. You can see the allied sniper hp drop to half right before you shoot :v 

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