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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 1 minute ago, Jeod said:

    I don't buy the secret identity thing. Naomi wanted to go directly to task force HQ to speak with them, not investigate secretly and independently. For what it's worth, I think you're worth investigating for the confirmation. Your role doesn't appear to have that "it's important that I hide at all costs" feel to it.

    You'd be smart to hold on for a moment and try to ponder over it a little.

  2. 1 minute ago, ChopBam said:

    I trust Nodlied. KY I'm not so sure about. Nodlied trusts KY.

    Voe and Jeod are chaotic forces. I trust Voe, but not Jeod. Voe wants to meet with Jeod. Nodlied trusts none of them.

    Cat5 is acting against his nature; CK, Mojo and Fraydo are hiding somewhere; and Orange is working with me.

    Most of them are fine with opening a note, but Nodlied is not.

    What do I do with this?

    I trust Orange, Nodlied, more and more ChopBam, and Mojoman.

    I don't trust Jeod, Chaos, KY and Cat5.

    There is no alignment of support and opposition. Things are difficult.

  3. 1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    There is probably more than just you and Jeod asking that question right now.

    But from my point of view, I'm asking why everybody is so sure I'm scum when my faction was identified as "Kira Suspect", which Chaos_Knight also has. I know the canon of my character, but that doesn't have to apply. It isn't helpful to use meta to such a degree. I'm planning a flavored mafia game where role names are used, but the role names mean nothing about the actual alignment of the characters.

    If there is indeed a Kira with a notebook still in the game though, who can it be aside from KY?

  4. I'd like to know who votes what before the end of the day. If we arrive at the plan we're definitely executing it would be good to manipulate the game (trust points) towards that goal.

    All in all, I'm against investigating me and letting KY and Nodlied follow up with their shenanigans. This won't lead us anywhere, and it's what is going to happen if you vote me through. We'll get no valuable info, some shady plan in the background at the gain of one notebook removed from the game.

  5. 1 minute ago, Nodlied said:

    People can know who I am for all the fuck I care about. I just want another notebook removed from play to make it much easier to track the remaining one. For what if we still have two during the night and there's a sudden nightkill? You'd have to go after either me or Voe should a recipient doesn't cooperate with telling he received it. I want to minimize risks.

    I trust you won't make a nightkill and I volunteer for tomorrow's investigation. Happy?

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