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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 2 minutes ago, Killing You said:

    You'll get transparency with Nodlied and I's plan. Just not yet, as we don't want scum turning tail and running.

    I don't trust you.


    1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

    I used my power of trust to investigate ChopBam. Maybe a waste (and maybe actually pretty dumb for me to meet with him before getting the result :v) but you and I weren't sure about him Voe, so I wanted to be extra sure. I'm now sure ChopBam is clean.

    I guess I did forget to elaborate, because I was hoping whoever did it would incriminate themselves, but that hasn't happened. I was role blocked last night. Maybe someone was hoping to stop me using investigation powers, but that went through anyway. What DID get blocked was my special normal ability, which lets me one shot give out trust for proposal at night. I was going to give FRAYDO 50 trust to get him out of the box because he was confirmed town, but my points got ate and there was no effect. I also noticed on the morning CVC that KY's points were not as they should be, so other freaky stuff none of us have picked up on went down last night.

    So we have a roleblock around. Hmm, who could have done that? Who was opposed to us two yesterday?

  2. Nodlied refused to enter a conversation with me, favouring killing_you. Given how he hasn't picked up on Chaos being anti-town in their time together, I don't believe he would be able to pick up on KY either. Thus, saying he knows who chopbam is doesn't convince me, either.

    Here is what I propose - investigating Nodlied and securing his debt note. Meanwhile, I open mine and start a convo with Jeod. If shit goes down, I am the only one with a Notebook remaining. You know to investigate me tomorrow and hey, if i turn Kira, it's even better for town as we catch the suspect WITH the notebook. It's a win-win situation, and I'm sure we can learn a lot more than from continued passing of notepads around and plotting around.

    I propose transparency.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Killing You said:

    IIt's something along those lines. I don't know how well the target can defend himself from our plan, but like you said, it's best to just do it.

    Like who? Who's trustworthy according to you? ChopBam, who refuses to claim, you who refuse to claim, or Nodlied who refuses to claim? Nah, i think I'll pass.

    ##vote Nodlied

    If we have to confiscate one today, I'd rather learn something about Nodlied. I don't need to prove my allegiance to you. I was the one who pushed investigations on Jeod, Cat5 and then Chaos, scoring a non-taskforce every time. What did any of you 3 do this whole game?

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