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Posts posted by Voe

  1. 1 minute ago, Chaos_Knight said:

    At this point I just let personal bias choose between who of the 2 note owners.

    I have more reasons to trust Nodlied over you, Voe, because he didn't behave all weird confusing everyone on D2 for example. I am just glad that it seems that my real name "is not known" according to the day post. Maybe it could keep me safe from the Note unless the person has Shinigami eyes.

    Well, I'm sorry. I'm not good at making friends.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Yeah, I have a question. Why are you doing something king baddy openly wants you to do?

    Jeod has been lying the whole game. Truth is, he's claimed so many times already we don't even know if he's a shinigami or a person outside the game, like, let's say, Light (sort of like overseer in dead space).

    We know nothing about him. It's dangerous this way.

  3. I think I'll drop it in for the last time. 

    Voting on me to protect Nodlied from being investigated is void, as he will have to be investigated tomorrow anyway.

    I, unlike Nodlied, am also willing to meet Jeod. I can get more data out of it, and if someone has to open it, it better be one who is willing to do the most with it.

    Additionally, it is my idea and I would appreciate if you supported me on this matter instead.

    ##vote Nodlied

    I hope you can agree.

  4. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    On a more serious note, it seems as if support for investigating KY at this juncture has collapsed. I can't just bring myself to vote for Voe knowing how pro-town he is. I feel as if maybe I don't have a horse in this race.

    For now, ##unvote

    I feel the same. But I cannot stand for losing the opportunity I have today. Getting Nodlied to open his note is a half arsed measure which is meant to protect him from being investigated at the cost of me and my plan, which i lay openly before you. I want to meet Jeod. Jeod wants to meet me. Nodlied won't do it.

    I'll repeat, it's a potential gold mine of information.

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