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Posts posted by Voe

  1. I don't know, Choppy. I know, however, that if a potential thief has a "steal" action, saying openly that you'll going to pass the notebook between yourselves (you and Mojoman) will provide the information who exactly to steal it from.

    I believe there is still a lot to uncover. I am CONVINCED that the moment the deathnote is used, it will become a trigger for the game to become a whole different dynamic. Someone has to activate Jeod.

  2. Let's break it down:

    1. Killing_You
    2. Jeod - susoicious AF but 99% not Kira. Investigated.
    3. Voe - Allow me to be bold and state I initiated the investigation on all 3 subjects this game. If that still triggers your scumsense, I have no objection for being investigated. You know my name already, and the details of my role as well.
    4. ChopBam
    5. Chaos_Knight - shady, but not Kira. Investigated
    6. FRAYDO
    7. Mojoman - Had the note; didn't use it.
    8. Nodlied - Had the note, didn't use it.
    9. Cat5 - Misa. Probably still has a role to play but probably harmless with low trust. Investigated.
    10. Orange - Great investigative gameplay; caught on quite a few nuances on both Jeod and Chaos_Knight; I have contact with him; I consider him fully trustworthy. 

    There are 3 people remaining whom we know nothing about. One of them has the notepad and doesn't want to have it confiscated. The other is defending him. The third one is absent.

    I say go for the notepad.

  3. Also, 

    From what we know:

    • Misa Amane is now a 2nd Kira suspect
    • 2nd Kira can make a "Shinigami Eyes" deal, which enables him/her to kill without knowing the victim's name...
    • Mello is one of the L's successors, desperate to beat his counterpart, N as well as L, and others to catch Kira first
    • Mello is not kira but he has some ties with Mafia to get the Notebooks
    • There are two or more Notebooks in the human world it seems, and at least one is still in the possession of Kira
    • Shinigami can appear whenever they like and are visible to anyone who interacted with Notebook

    This is super important. It says kira has a notebook, as well as that cat5 can still be of some purpose in this game.

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