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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. I'd like to add that the only thing I know about the attack is that my arse was hit during N1. No other info about the nature of the attack.
  2. Inital idea was to wait until somebody would claim the hit. And considering that Scum probably wouldn't do that, I'd be able to distinguish between it being a scum or town attack. That said, I think that it was pretty obvious by now that I was the one to get hit on M12. Other than that, I feel that scum would prioritise a Missile Sub over a normal Sub, so I wanted to stay quiet about it being me until I felt that the time was right.
  3. That's fine but I feel that it's mostly stuff that we already know. Then again, it's worth noting everything down. Alstar - ???: I know exactly nothing about Alstar. And, honestly, he feels more and more suspicious by means of elimination alone. Care to elaborate on your actions and yourself? Considering that you're up for lynch. Cat5 - ???: Even though he's not around as often, I have a bad feeling about Cat5. It feels to me as if he's been trying to slip around in the background. I do miss the giant Cat5 post that I'm waiting for but feel will never arrive. Other than that, he's also the to immediately talk about something being moved. Perhaps to pre-empt the angry Voe show? Choppy - Subpen: I expected him to claim Subpen for quite a while now. The way he talked about it earlier in the game and how often he did so nailed him down for me as Subpen. Now that he claimed it without a counter claim is more than enough for me to nail him down as town, despite the arguments against him. Fraydo - Spyplane: Honestly, I didn't expect a Spyplane claim out of nowhere. The fact that we haven't gotten any counterclaim strengthens his claim though, which is a reason for me to put him in the town camp. The fact that he wasn't hit by Orange implies that he's ineed the Spyplane. Chances do exist of Fraydo lying about his location, but I honestly doubt it at this point. Jeod - ?Attacksub?: I haven't paid much attention to Jeod, but he did want to confirm himself via submerge. That alone sounds more town than otherwise. Overal though, he's been contributing quite a bit, but Jeod does that no matter what side he's on. Likely town though. KY - ???: Like Jeod, I haven't been paying much attention to KY. Though I wonder what other people have to say about him. Potential scum considering that we do not yet know what he is. Nodlied - Missile Sub: Jeod was right in the fact that I'm one of the Missile Subs, even though I never actually claimed it. Beyond that, considering that I do believe that the other missile sub hasn't yet claimed a night fire, or at least, not on M12, I believe that it's pretty much guaranteed that M12 was a scum attack. Also, my ass hurts and what's that dripping sound. Orange - Attack Sub: Beyond being helpful, we've pretty much confirmed his role as an attack sub and unless his shot at Fraydo is part of some inter-scum gambit, I'll put him down as town for now. Shade - IThinkIKnowWhatHeIs.jpg: Considering the questions Shade has asked so far and as he's been trying to be helpful, in his own way, I do believe that Shade is town. I also believe that Shade knows what role I have and that he knows that I believe I know what role he has. Voe - ?Attacksub?: Voe complained a lot about his sudden movement, which has been verified. And a Chronosphere could make it a lot easier for scum to shoot at a moved unit when necessary. Voe knew about the submerge mechanic and corrected Orange on it. Chances are that Voe is an attack sub. Beyond that, his few contributions have been positive so far, earning him a town in my book. There you go. Not the strongest reads by any means, but I do feel that it's a good basis for the situation. Scum tends to stay away from claiming for a while, and by that, the ones without a claim or verifiable claim automatically become more suspicious. One thing to consider though is that I don't yet suspect a third or neutral party nor do I feel that I know which scum have which roles, although a Cat5 o 'sphere could be a thing considering his immediate comment about movement.
  4. There's a reason you're closer to the town side of things on my list.
  5. IIRC a ''No hit'' also goes for shots that cannot ''hit'' the unit on said square. But that's what I read from the N0 post. In any case, Jeod, you wanted to ask me some questions?
  6. Well, I read as if I have you in my pocket, meaning that I wield power over you, which I do not consider to be the case.
  7. Beyond the shitposting, I'm currently a bit busy with preparing some exercises on Will/Won't/May/Might and the 1st conditional. I'll answer later.
  8. Another thing I just thought off, what if the Cruiser could fire at night just like the Missile Subs can? That might also explain the hit on M12. But in that case: what happened to the depth charge?
  9. It's possible. Fact still stands that our Missile Subs haven't claimed a night fire yet. If they were responsible for the shot, you'd think that they'd be a bit more agressive about it.
  10. You forgot about the fact that M12 was hit during the night. Only a depthcharge (or another Allied unit?) and the Missile Sub can fire at night. Considering that none of our missile subs have claimed to have fired, I'm pretty damn sure that M12 got hit by the depthcharge.
  11. Nothing really, but it heightened the chances of Orange being an attack sub and Fraydo speaking the truth. (The entire ordeal did that.) I do wonder where Choppy is to defend himself.
  12. IIRC no. According to N0, a ''No hit'' will not be shown as a hit/detected spot.
  13. Eliminating people from the suspect list is always helpful. I've written down the known/my suspected roles for about 6 players by now. And, if I'm correct, it'll greatly lower the suspect pool. Eliminating you as a suspect always helps. Also, I'm not a commander. Don't take my words as order.
  14. Well, if we don't have any counter claims, then we're safe to assume that Fraydo is the Spy plane. Easy as that.
  15. It'd be a bit weird if one could depth charge an air unit. That said, I wonder if there are any counter claims.
  16. I actually think that it is quite obvious why the Allies would teleport a player around. But check my response to Choppy below for that info. Well, I can, for a fact tell you the precise reason as to why Voe has been a bit quiet: he's busy. Busy with looking for jobs and with spending time with a special somebody. He's busy enough with that special somebody that he spends most of his remaining time playing games that he otherwise couldn't play. >Can't find a way though for the Chronosphere to actually benefit scum. Have you considered the possibility that Jackoderp was lying about the entire ''randomized'' location thing? I'd say that a Chronosphere would most definately know where it'd send players. And knowing where it would send players would allow scum to open fire or drop a deptcharge with pretty much 100% accuracy.
  17. What are the chances that the Cruiser could fire at night? (Or perhaps it is a deptcharge attack.)
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