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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Check the day and night posts, that's all you'll really need. Beyond that, I'm quite certain that the other players are happy to bring you up to speed. There's only so much I can say without spoiling things.
  2. Well, you have quite a while to get up to speed. I'll PM you shortly.
  3. Suicide is not an option. I'll look for a replacement. I'd comment on this. But read the main doc for yourself once the game is over. All votes have been counted. @VERTi60 @ChopBam Would one of you two be up for replacing Jeod?
  4. Another day at the Ausgleich negotiations. Everybody seems well rested and ready for the tough discussions ahead. Ensure that you do the Kaiser proud! Talking about doing the Kaiser proud, what about the reforms? Well, it looks like our latest military reform has passed, the variant being option C, Soft Pluralism. This military reform will ever so slightly boost the military capabilities of the minor nations; Bohemia, Galicia, and Illyria. That said, some things will be changing in high-command tonight. However, it seems like stability has been affected negatively due to this reform. As usual though, it seems like there's nothing interesting in your newspaper. Another reform passed, let's go! 48 hours remain until the end of the day!
  5. Updated the nightpost with TheIrishman's portrait. I forgot about that one.
  6. If its not included in the post, then there wasn't any roll.
  7. The votes have been counted and these are the results! First the investigation. Looks like TheIrishman is going to be investigated. His real name is Daniel Szabo and he is a Hungarian national. He currently has two items, the first of which is an army rifle and the second being a medkit. However he is currently Suspicious and thus will be held in a cell for the night, just in case. His items have been confiscated and transferred to the vault. Secondly, you’ve decided to enact a military reform. However, you are not yet sure what it will look like. There are four option which you can choose. A - Radical Status Quo The command structure of our armies are still seperated. The Austrian and Hungarian armies should assume direct control over the armies of the minor states. That way, the Austro-Hungarian army will finally rid itself of its inefficient command structure. B - Soft Status Quo The Autro-Hungarian military has asked for further intergration of soldiers from the minor states. That way the military can increase its command efficiency. Let's see if we can make it happen. C - Soft Pluralism One way to move forward is to seperate our armies and include them under a central command structure. This way both the speed with which we can react to threats as well as our army efficiency is increased. D - Radical Pluralism A centralised command structure cannot possibly work and it is of the essence that our armies can react quickly. Therefore we should drastically decentralise our armies. Each minor state will be in control of its own army. This way, there won't be any linguistical issues between the different troops and we'll be able to react a lot quicker. You can vote on the reforms by including the action ##Vote Reform <A/B/C/D> (1PP) in your night action PM. Keep in mind that radical reforms might anger the opposite party. Additionally, you nominated Sunflower to gain access to the vault tonight! Sleep well everyone. Remember that you can pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! 24 hours remain until the end of the night!
  8. It got posted after I uploaded the cvc. It has been included in the day end one.
  9. The entire day so far has been less about politics than it has been about accusations and other fights within the group of negotiators. Finally, TheIrishman has had enough and he slowly reached for his rifle. He threatened to kill a bunch of people before, but that didn't do anything to quell the situation. Thus as he aimed the group finally noticed what was going on. Before anybody could talk TheIrishman out of his decision or before anybody could seperate TheIrishman from his gun, the man opened fire. With a well aimed shot, the man hit Killing_You right between the eyes. As Killing_You fell to the ground most of you were about to jump on TheIrishman, who collapsed into his chair, not certain about what he just did. After a short check, you noticed that he no longer had ammunition with him, at least for now. Thus you decided to check Killing_You before you would return to TheIrishman. Killing_You, also known as Alojzije Stepinac, an Illyrian has been shot! After going through his personal documents in his room, you soon discovered that he was aligned to ... National Populism??!?!? . A national populist could have only wanted the entire state to break up and have an independent Illyria, or even unify with the sad state of Serbia to form the laughable dream of Yugoslavia. In any case, his objective was to Abolishment by killing the monarchy as that would surely have led to the collapse of the Empire. During the night he could check for personal information as well as kill somebody. However, he doesn't appear to have any items, so nothing will be heading to the vault. By Karl, that's one nasty guy! Your anger turned into happyness as you've managed defeat an enemy of the Empire. The news shocked the population, but in the end, they're more confident then ever that the Empire is able to stand against her enemies! Less than 23 hours until hammer!
  10. Precisely. You lads still have 24 hours. So go and take your time.
  11. You can only use an action once per phase. All votes have been counted an included in the CVC. Error! You can only use an action once per phase. Pick one of them or don't shoot at all.
  12. Just a small heads-up. You lads will get your new cvc once I'm awake enough not to mess up. (So about 8-10 hours. I don't expect more posts past US bedtime)
  13. That's because I'm a scrub that forgot to do the title editing and phase linking for two phases in a row now. It has been fixed....
  14. Another day at the Ausgleich negotiations. Everybody seems well rested and ready for the tough discussions ahead. And oh man, are the discussions ahead going to be touch. You managed to tie tonight's reform! This has affected stability in a negative manner, but you knew that already. Besides that, we've got news from the hospital that Admiral Horthy is going to make it! So that's some good news! (Modnote: Horthy isn't coming back.) After hearing the good news about the Admiral, you no longer felt like checking your newspaper. Stability is back at 50% The people are happy! Well, they are happier... At least the soldiers are singing a happy song! 48 hours remain until the end of the day!
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