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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. You can use items even if you want to pass them around. Just make sure that you have enough PP to undertake all of your actions. Obvioulsy, you can't do the same action twice, even if you have the PP. That is correct.
  2. Good game. I would play but it is a bit late here. That said, try playing around and finding some good strategies. IIRC, we were meant to do a MP game once this forum game is over.
  3. Correct. I simply forgot to adjust it after the daypost.
  4. Another day at the Ausgleich negotiations. Everybody seems well rested and ready for the tough discussions ahead. Too bad that there was another tie tonight. No reforms. International spectators comment that the Empire can't get anything done anymore. Prove them wrong. However, before you start the negotiations, it is time for the morning paper. What article attracts your attention today? No reforms? Phah! That's what we want you to think! - Increasingly nervous negotiator. 48 hours remain until the end of the day!
  5. By the way. For those who want to know some more about this Kaisserreich thing, here's a let's-play on the papal state.
  6. All counted. (Really guys? Two ties? ¬_¬) The votes have been counted and these are the results.... Two ties? Well, some simple dice rolls will take care of that! For the investigation: Jeod= 1,2,3. Retaliation = 4, 5, 6. Result = 2. Jeod will be investigated! First the investigation. Looks like Jeod is going to be investigated. His real name is Aleksander Litwinowicz and he is a Galician national. He currently has no items. But what about his status? Well, he appears to be Suspicious and thus will be held in a cell for the night, just in case. His items have been confiscated and transferred to the vault. Except that he doesn't have any.... Secondly, you’ve decided to enact a Military reform. However, you are not yet sure what it will look like. There are four option which you can choose. A - Radical Status Quo. Most of the Empire's forces have always been supplied by the dual powers of Austria and Hungary. Therefore it is a no-brainer that it should be these countries that would receive a massive boost to their militaries! B - Soft Status Quo Poor leadership has led to some embarrasing moments during the weltkrieg. However, the Austro-Hungarian forces are under new leadership and their forces are as strong as ever. We should give these forces some additional funding. C - Soft Pluralism While the forces of Austria and Hungary did a lot of work during the weltkrieg, the forces of Bohemia, Galicia and Illyria are in need of some additional funding. Let's see to it that their needs are met! D - Radical Pluralism Some of the most impressive feats during the weltkrieg have been achieved by the soldiers and officers of the minor states of the Empire. They've proven that the Empire can be unified in its diversity and stand strong. This bill will ensure that they'll get a massive boost, as that's what they deserve! You can vote on the reforms by including the action ##Vote Reform <A/B/C/D> (1PP) in your night action PM. Keep in mind that radical reforms might anger the opposite party. Additionally, you nominated... Ah yes, the second tie! Cat5 = 1,2,3. Fraydo = 4, 5, 6. Result = 4. Fraydo will gain access to the vault tonight! Sleep well everyone. Remember that you can pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! 24 hours remain until the end of the night! (Ok, slightly less because of the ties. Damn you people! :v)
  7. Day ends in less than an hour. Should the recent forum issues continue though, I will extend the day. EDIT: Nomination is not a tie, Cat5 is in the lead. As for investigation, Jeod is in the lead.
  8. The museum was nice and cool (on the hottest day in Dutch history, so that's nice! :v). Other than that, free entry and an almost free ride to and from the museum made my day even more. Best part about the museum, in my opinion, were the paintings from the 19th century. I like my good old victorian paintings about people and landscapes.
  9. Small heads-up. I'm off to the Reichsmuseum in Amsterdam tomorrow, so if a CVC is required, I'll trust on Voe to do it correctly. (Hopefully)
  10. Being locked up for the night indeed prevents you from voting on reforms as well. As the OP said, you're pretty much blocked.
  11. Another day at the Ausgleich negotiations. Everybody seems well rested and ready for the tough discussions ahead. Ensure that you do the Kaiser proud! Except... that he isn't that proud of you at all today. You've managed to tie the Economic reform vote! The people are not happy about it and neither is he! See to it that you can actually reform something today! When you read your morning newspaper, one article in particular took your attention. Let's get back to work! 48 hours remain until the end of the day! Modnote: Some of you received your night PMs in a quotebox. Tell me if it's still easy to read. If yes, I'll apply it to everybody as it saves me a lot of time!
  12. Remember people, you have 2 political power to spare during this night!
  13. Even though I was looking at my excel sheet I still managed to select the wrong name. It has been rectified and no damage has been done. Also, I'm not counting that as a nightpost.
  14. The votes have been counted and these are the results! First the investigation. Looks like OrangeP47 is going to be investigated. His real name is Albert Dietrich and he is an Austrian national. He currently has a key to the Evidence base. But what about his status? Well, he seems to be However he is currently innocent and thus will be able to go to his comfortable room. Secondly, you’ve decided to enact an economic reform. However, you are not yet sure what it will look like. There are four option which you can choose. A - Radical Status Quo It isn't the Dual-Monarchy for nothing. Choosing this option will greatly enhance the economic power of both Austria and Hungary. B - Soft Status Quo The Empire is led by its two strongest members. Choosing this option will slightly boost the economic power of both Austria and Hungary. C - Soft Pluralism Even though Bohemia is the industrial heart of the Empire, the two other minors, Illyria and Galicia are falling behind. Yet this reform slightly boosts the economic power of Bohemia, Illyria and Galicia. D - Radical Pluralism It is often said that nations cannot stand on equal footing if they don't have the same economic power. Choosing this option will greatly enhance the economic power of Bohemia, Illyria and Galicia. Yes, the flavour is a bit lacking on this one. But I'd like you lads to see as to how these reforms might affect the game. We'll be having more flavour at the end of D2. You can vote on the reforms by including the action ##Vote Reform <A/B/C/D> (1PP) in your night action PM. Keep in mind that radical reforms might anger the opposite party. Additionally, you nominated TheIrishMan to gain access to the vault tonight! Sleep well everyone. Remember that you can ##pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! (Plus, only two nightposts as per usual.) ~24 hours remain until the end of the night! (Additional modnote. To save myself some work, you won't all be receiving night profiles. Only those that have a change will receive one (example: OrangeP47 and his vault access today.)
  15. Counted. By the way, ealy hammers are not a thing in this game.
  16. It has been added! Thanks for keeping an eye on things, shouldn't take long before I do these things without having to think about them again. Counted Correct.
  17. Counted Both counted. Day ends in 24 hours and 3 minutes!
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