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  1. I'M BAAACK!! I was rather pleased with this model, because I do not often get a good result when I model structures. If the proportions seem off, this is because they were adjusted so that the vehicle models that I had at the time could physically exit the factory, whilst also ensuring that the amount of space required to place the structure in a base was not too prohibitive.
  2. Time for another Reborn 2.0 development update! Taller Cyborgs, new Mech animations, GDI War Factory changes, and Nod Construction Yard updates. Cyborgs Through our efforts in fixing the scaling feature, we can now resolve an issue long overdue for our cybernetic soldiers. Cyborgs now rightfully tower over regular infantry as the imposing monstrosities they are. "Scan initiated!" "Directive?" As stated previously, our fixed scaling has not led to any worldbox collision issues and cyborg infantry getting stuck. You will notice the floating limbs, meaning now our next step is rigging. OWA will take charge on fixing that up for our tall bois. New Mech Animations Coming for Reborn 2.0, our GDI mechs have received new animations from Permagrin from the Renegade X team and setup in the engine courtesy of OWA. The Wolverine and Titan's movements are much more fluid now and more appropriate of mechanical walkers. "Infantry reporting!" "Moving out!" Feedback on Discord has been divided with some people liking the new animations, some not liking them, and others liking one but not the other. What are your thoughts? Here's a sneak peek of what to expect in-game! "On my way!" GDI War Factory Scaling There are some of you who may remember our legendary operative, Agent Hasak, who had previously reported on the new GDI War Factory that was rolled out to their bases. Reports are coming in that the GDI War Factory is undergoing scale alterations and renovations. Nod War Factory and GDI War Factory size comparisons. Before scaling, the new GDI War Factory is much bigger than the Nod counterpart. "Scale Me" bone attached to the War Factory to allow ease of scaling. Exterior scaling alone has led to interesting results in the interior. Once the exterior scale is determined, the interior will be tackled next. Proposed new entry/exit for the GDI War Factory. Coming together. The new GDI War Factory is coming along nicely and the new version has been rolled out to our testers for feedback. The end result of the scaling and interior renovations will be better gameplay for both sides, attackers and defenders, during combat inside the GDI War Factory. Players may like to know that even after the downscaling of the factory the Juggernaut, GDI's biggest vehicle to be produced in the War Factory, still fits and has no issues in walking out after completion. And to close this off, ChopBam has provided a video walkthrough of the work in progress! Have a look. Construction Yard Scale and Updated Roof Raap has set about working on the scale of the Construction Yard and has also updated the Construction Yard roof. The details behind the scaling are yet to be finalised, though in the meantime you may appreciate the roof updates. In Progress. Construction Yard Roof (Current) Construction Yard Roof (Updated) Not pictured here, but the Nod Construction Yard will also receive anti-Jump Jet measures (a ladder) to counter flying abuse where Jump Jets would fly to spots unreachable by defending Nod forces and remain a nuisance. You will also notice a new doorway on the side, allowing another entry for GDI infiltrators. That catches us up on Reborn 2.0 development! Keep an eye on our Discord and media for more discussion and announcements. "One Vision, One Purpose." [blurb]Time for another Reborn 2.0 development update! Taller Cyborgs, new Mech animations, GDI War Factory changes, and Nod Construction Yard updates.[/blurb]
  3. Progress report time! In our game servers, throughout our Discord and forums, and even in our internal discussions the question has been asked; "Where do we stand on TSR's next release?" First, we want to be sure everyone knows that whatever work we do affects W3D as a whole, not just individual projects. We don’t want to release something that still resembles the old Renegade era when APB Delta has already shown the leaps and bounds the engine can make. The Tiberian Sun Reborn project has been contributed to by multiple sources over the past decade—as a result, the version of the engine it runs on is suboptimal at best compared to APB Delta. The scripts team has been busy re-aligning the engine code. This is fancy talk for "making w3d games play better". Although there has been a lack of news, I am happy to quell any thoughts about development coming to a standstill. Development has continued on the visual front especially, as we have acquired a considerable amount of new assets to place ingame. Raap and ChopBam have provided a number of images to show the new props that you will see in our maps. New Assets It may be hard to see, but there are over 70 new assets between these four images. Additionally, ChopBam had this image to show our staff guys inquiring about progress. In the past nine months, our developers have made over 805 revisions. Audio updates, physics tweaks, and re-rigs of our vehicles. The Tiberian Sun: Reborn you remember will be but a memory! 2.0 will feel, look, and play like never before! As mentioned above, the artist team has been building our asset library. The end goal is to have a large enough library to cover five different biomes—snow, desert, arid, wasteland, and urban. If you want to help in some way but don’t have the skills needed, there are alternatives. A bundle of 20 assets costs an average of 10 Euros. We ask that if you do make a donation to spare your wallet and not go over that amount. If you would like to help on the asset front but don't have the skills or tools for it, there is an alternative. The Reborn team is accepting donations which will be used toward purchasing new assets, thereby speeding up the final release. If you would like to contribute any amount, contact me or TeamWolf for the PayPal details and we'll get you squared away. I unfortunately cannot offer any incentives at this time other than thanking you for your contribution, but know that any amount will be greatly appreciated by the artists on our team. GDI War Factory Interior Redesign In a previous update, Oxanna reported on alterations to the GDI War Factory. Redesigns continue as we scale down the overall size of the War Factory. Long ago when the Mammoth Mk. II was first introduced, it was intended for the unit to be deployed from the War Factory. However, you can clearly see we opted for the Carryall deploying the Mk. II. As we no longer needed the War Factory to accommodate the size of the Mk. II, it has been long overdue for a scale down. The primary reason for this is for gameplay purposes. Our testers have noted that it takes too long to traverse the structure, costing precious moments in defending and attacking. In scaling it down, the GDI War Factory will also take up less space in maps. As you can see, the overall flow of the building is much better compared to the previous War Factory. Our testers have been provided the latest iteration of the War Factory to nail down any problem areas and suggest ideas, so it's not final by any means! ChopBam will see to delivering the best GDI War Factory the Tiberium universe has ever seen! Already, feedback is coming in from within our team for improvements and revisions. OWA has suggested some changes to the MCT and Connector rooms after having a run around the structure. Per OWA's suggestions, if we move the glass frontage forwards we can make the room wholly integrated into the main structure. It's one idea we have to go about making the MCT space a bit more open. The connector room may be able to open out into the larger concourse of the War Factory. Both suggestions would reduce the claustrophobia of the structure and offer better combat gameplay inside. As you can tell, the structure itself is largely a WIP. A video walkthrough may be provided soon, either to be included later in this update or to be seen in the next! Thank you everyone for your continued patience. We can guarantee you will not be disappointed! [blurb]TS:R news update! A look into new assets and the current progress on the new GDI War Factory interior.[/blurb]
  4. Version 2.0.0


    Edits of War Factory door and roof textures to tile better. Results vary.
  5. View File War Factory Door and Roof Edits of War Factory door and roof textures to tile better. Results vary. Submitter KevinLancaster Submitted 02/11/2018 Category Custom Textures
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