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Dev.Blog 3 - Lethal Weapon 3 (11/7/2011)

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Guest indios85
I think there are tons of people not understanding here.


*NO, IF you loose your War Factory and Bar/HON then you will not be able to buy War Factory/Bar/HON units

*Ghost stalker is the only one getting C4 that will be able to take down a building.

*You can take a building with attacking it with vehicles or hacking

*Beacons will only be able to be bought on maps with Missile Silos and Upgrade centers



Hope this clears some stuff up.


so if your War Factory and bar are down, and you are playing in a map whit no missile silos, the only way of destroying a building is by hacking? so what chances you will have of lets say destroy War Factory by hacking? how long you will need to stay hacking in order to destroy a building? because i think you will be undefended wile hacking and i dont thing the enemy team will just sit and watch you hack his buildings lol, a simple remote or C4 could do the job easier and faster keeping in mind that is dificult enough to even infiltrate enemy base most of times.

i am just trying to stablish that free inf units should have a fast and efectivelly way of destroying a enemy building if they work as a team and manage to get inside enemy base instead of just siting hacking for the time that would take and watch a enemy guy puting his gun barrel over you head and killing you wile you are very busy using your laptop rofl.

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I think there are tons of people not understanding here.


*NO, IF you loose your War Factory and Bar/HON then you will not be able to buy War Factory/Bar/HON units

*Ghost stalker is the only one getting C4 that will be able to take down a building.

*You can take a building with attacking it with vehicles or hacking

*Beacons will only be able to be bought on maps with Missile Silos and Upgrade centers



Hope this clears some stuff up.


so if your War Factory and bar are down, and you are playing in a map whit no missile silos, the only way of destroying a building is by hacking? so what chances you will have of lets say destroy War Factory by hacking? how long you will need to stay hacking in order to destroy a building? because i think you will be undefended wile hacking and i dont thing the enemy team will just sit and watch you hack his buildings lol, a simple remote or C4 could do the job easier and faster keeping in mind that is dificult enough to even infiltrate enemy base most of times.

i am just trying to stablish that free inf units should have a fast and efectivelly way of destroying a enemy building if they work as a team and manage to get inside enemy base instead of just siting hacking for the time that would take and watch a enemy guy puting his gun barrel over you head and killing you wile you are very busy using your laptop rofl.

Who said anything about having to stay still to hack. TBH if your Team looses their WF and BAR/Hon then they deserve to have a shit game. Plus it's not going to be as easy to kill a building with Infantry as it is in APB. Right now all your guesses are based around APB's game play. There will be no rushing in to attack the MCT. Shooting the outside of the building will be just as effective as shooting the MCT. MCT is only going to act as the repair point of the building. Ghost Stalkers C4 will mostly likely have to be placed on the MCT. The Engineers Hacking is going to be a way to take out the power for either a short time or for good depending how long the building is hacked.

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Guest namechanged

If it has a motor, it is a chaingun, if it is recoil, a minigun,

Thats what I thought also...

WRONG; Both chainguns and miniguns are electromechanically-driven. A chaingun is single-barrelled, and a Gatling/minigun is multi-barrelled.



This is a video game, we use the video game definitions, not the real life definitions. So take that away from here.

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Guest KevinLancaster

*Also certain units will not be able to drive vehicles only ride in APCs



Whoa. Serious? Have you guys decided which units can't drive?


I'm guessing that Jumpjet Infantry probably won't be able to drive since they're already technically in a vehicle.

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Guest Generalcamo

So, what is the power plant going to do? Increase production times?


Also, we should add the flamethrower to the Cyborg, just not the FPS lowering one from the infantry beta.

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I'll talk more about the non-drivable units later.

So, what is the power plant going to do? Increase production times?

It will cut power to certain base defenses


And the Cyborg Commando will most likely get a flame thrower secondary fire. But it might be an Elite un-lockable

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Guest Generalcamo

That will make it useless! At least APB has the (broken) increase in production time! I actually liked the doubling of credits, well, make it 1.5, but there should be some other penalty besides that.

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Guest r315r4z0r

Cyborgs probably wont have the ability to drive vehicles. Regular Cyborgs don't have hands and even though the Cyborg Commando does technically have one hand, he is also insanely powerful and it would be super cheap to destroy an annoying Nod vehicle only to find now that an annoying CC has taken his place (which would arguably be much harder to destroy than a vehicle.)


Will the Cyborg Commando's plasma shots have a homing function? He was always supposed to but I don't think anyone ever got around to it.

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I got an idea for power plants.

Perhaps, just like in the C&C series, they can cause buildings to take slight damage over time. Low power means no cooling systems, no lights, etc etc so things tend to get broken.

You could even add that when a power plant dies it kinda explodes and damages other buildings in a radius.

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Guest KevinLancaster

Will the Cyborg Commando's plasma shots have a homing function? He was always supposed to but I don't think anyone ever got around to it.

I was about to say why don't you ask that in the podcast topic, but then I remembered the podcast has already been recorded. Where is it anyway?

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Guest Pyrodaimon

I got an idea for power plants.

Perhaps, just like in the C&C series, they can cause buildings to take slight damage over time. Low power means no cooling systems, no lights, etc etc so things tend to get broken.

How would that mesh with the conyard?

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That will make it useless! At least APB has the (broken) increase in production time! I actually liked the doubling of credits, well, make it 1.5, but there should be some other penalty besides that.

How is taking out base defenses useless? IF your base didn't have an Obi and RPG towers along it would be a major prob.

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Losing your power plant should still result in increased production time and/or a 25% cost increase, logically and realistically.

Edited by APB_ICE
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Guest Mei Terumi

I don't want to sound like an asshole, but people need to learn to defend their base instead of whining about losing their Factory/Refinery and ragequitting.


When I play, I always tell my team "Hold position." "Defend the base!"


If they don't and attack anyway, then I will stay behind myself, because it's pretty much guaranteed that as soon as a team leaves their base, the enemy team shows up and trashes the place.


Sadly most people only care about winning.

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Guest Sonarpulse

*Also certain units will not be able to drive vehicles only ride in APCs

Wow, I proposed that years ago for APB, major de ja vu. This should greatly enhance the distinction between vehicle and infantry combat methods, add make the gameplay a lot more like CnC, and due to TS's plethora of infantry that shouldn't fit in a tank, should be easier to make work. Good luck!

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Guest r315r4z0r

Will the power plant do anything else besides power base defenses? Or to put it another way, does destroying a power plant do anything other than shut down base defenses?


If it doesn't then I think it's kinda dumb. Think of it from a mapper's perspective. Many Renegade maps featured power plants even though there were no base defenses for it to power. Even though there were no base defenses, destroying an enemy power plant did have an effect on the team. If you make the Reborn power plant's only function to power up base defenses, then that means you strip all functions from the PP on maps that don't feature base defenses.


If a map exists that have power plants but no defenses, then the power plant would just be a useless shell of a structure that has no reason other than to just prolong the game...

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Power Plant logic so far will only disable the Base defenses, I'm not a huge fan on the concept of a power plant doubling the cost of things... that has never really made since to me, but I might throw in the idea to slow down the speed in which things are built, if that is up and working in time.


Also R315r4zor there is no rule that says you have to put a Power Plant on every map you make.

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Power Plant logic so far will only disable the Base defenses, I'm not a huge fan on the concept of a power plant doubling the cost of things... that has never really made since to me, but I might throw in the idea to slow down the speed in which things are built, if that is up and working in time.


Also R315r4zor there is no rule that says you have to put a Power Plant on every map you make.


Ok 6 quick things (Good work by the way. Progress has accelerated excellently)


1:) Renegade flame properties usually bleed through walls, which to a unit with a GIANT CANNON ARM... might be a little too much power... yet if this flame weapon were unlockable by elite rank... :D then I'd be all for it!!! I approve of elite weapon powers that burn stuff... :emot-toughguy: mu ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhh...



2:) Anyways, Are EMP mines a fancy way of saying proxy mines? Or will they be something unique?


3:) Power Plant Logic... If shutting down defenses isn't enough... maybe have it mess with radar? Just a thought.

(I disagree with a price rise... I mean to have the oblisk shut down an your tick tank is now like 1800 would be too much of a game killer)


4:) I support the cyborg hand-cannon. It would mix things up a bit. (Just please don't make him slow :sad: ). Also I've seen APB's APCs machine gun chew through defenses... Thus I think a cannon weapon would make the Damage rate more controllable for base def. and buildings.


5:) Will the crowbar be weapon or just a tool? (Thinking of the game half-life where I owned lots of things with a crowbar :emot-neckbeard: ) If not that is ok... Dukat863 you wanted the rd stripe because of half-life too, lol


6:) Will the AA rocketman be able to damage buildings? I am think he is strickly AA missiles, but if he does have a secondary ground missile then I'll understand... but then wouldn't that make him an average RS?

Edited by Raptor29aa
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Renegade's "flame properties" don't bleed through a wall. The flame weapons are invisible shotgun projectiles that get blocked by walls with a flamethrower emitter model for visual effects. The flamethrower emitter goes through the building because it isn't a projectile like the flamethrower ball in APB, but the actual invisible projectile gets blocked by walls.

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1:) Renegade flame properties usually bleed through walls, which to a unit with a GIANT CANNON ARM... might be a little too much power... yet if this flame weapon were unlockable by elite rank... :D then I'd be all for it!!! I approve of elite weapon powers that burn stuff... :emot-toughguy: mu ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhh...

Yeah, If we can. We're going to make it an Elite unlock :)




2:) Anyways, Are EMP mines a fancy way of saying proxy mines? Or will they be something unique?

No, They are indeed EMP mines. The Riot Trooper mission had Mobile EMS so I got to thinking, Hmm why not give him EMP mines. So I got together with Jonwil and we planned it out and it should make for interesting game-play. But they will have to be re-bought they will not be a refill item and they will probably disappear after a certain amount of time also to prevent mine spamming on the battle field.


3:) Power Plant Logic... If shutting down defenses isn't enough... maybe have it mess with radar? Just a thought.

(I disagree with a price rise... I mean to have the oblisk shut down an your tick tank is now like 1800 would be too much of a game killer)

Yeah if anything, I'll probably go with a slower production time. It would make more since.



4:) I support the cyborg hand-cannon. It would mix things up a bit. (Just please don't make him slow :sad: ). Also I've seen APB's APCs machine gun chew through defenses... Thus I think a cannon weapon would make the Damage rate more controllable for base def. and buildings.

Well, we are going to make him pretty slow and take down his jumping rate. But since there isn't any more Sniper these two things shouldn't be too much of an issue. Also to make up for the slowing down, Cyborgs are going be like walking tanks ;)


5:) Will the crowbar be weapon or just a tool? (Thinking of the game half-life where I owned lots of things with a crowbar :emot-neckbeard: ) If not that is ok... Dukat863 you wanted the rd stripe because of half-life too, lol

We might have it do a bit of damage when you hit someone but it's probably not going to be an insta-kill weapon.



6:) Will the AA rocketman be able to damage buildings? I am think he is strickly AA missiles, but if he does have a secondary ground missile then I'll understand... but then wouldn't that make him an average RS?

The AA Trooper will be strictly Anti Aircraft. The Nod Rocket trooper will have an AA secondary shot, so I figured this would be a good unit to add in for balance.

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6:) Will the AA rocketman be able to damage buildings? I am think he is strickly AA missiles, but if he does have a secondary ground missile then I'll understand... but then wouldn't that make him an average RS?

The AA Trooper will be strictly Anti Aircraft. The Nod Rocket trooper will have an AA secondary shot, so I figured this would be a good unit to add in for balance.

will he get a pistol as well?

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Guest Loyal2NES

Medics and Hijackers are going to need some sort of side arm. And a standard pistol seems a little bit weak for a field unit, so I think the best in between is the now un-used Uzis. As for the charge up and re-naming of the Confessor's Rifle both might happen. The charge up might would be a really cool Secondary fire, with a longer reload.


Looks like some Nod infantry might be a little too multi-purpose, but I like the variety of the weapons.

We're still working on details, but yes I think giving these units a multipurpose is a good way to make no unit is over shadowed

For example, why does the cyborg need a rocket launcher? :huh:

I think to make a Cyborg a major threat like he was in TS/FS then yes he should be giving both an Anti-Unit and Anti-Vehicle weapon. But who's to say it might be something that gets unlocked a Elite Status ;)

I could have sworn the Cyborg was largely useless and a waste of cash against anything other than Rifle Infantry and Wolverines/Buggies.


Not that I disagree with making him useful here, of course.

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Guest trarian

I hate the "rebuy because it is unbalanced otherwise" concept. Could you not replace rebuy with refill, and make an EMP minelimit of 5 or 10 or something like that (where the frist placed mine will removed when you are beyond the 5 or 10 mines on the field.). Otherwise its after using the EMP mines, just a dude with an gun, especial when the mines will not keep lying down on the ground.

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You're forgetting that the Toxin Trooper is going to be the closest thing to a sniper Reborn will have, so coupled with a defensive device like mines, he's going to be quite useful actually. There's nothing wrong with having to re-buy a powerful secondary munition.


Also, I was wondering if it would be reasonable to ask for a discussion on the Infinite Ammo topic sometime? I know Wally seems to have some strong opinions on it, but I'd also like to get down to the details as to why and propose possible changes/solutions that would provide a functional middle ground to the problems we see with either side of the mechanic.

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Guest r315r4z0r

Also R315r4zor there is no rule that says you have to put a Power Plant on every map you make.

I'm not saying there is just that you'd be throwing out the ability to make a map like that.

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