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C&C 3 FPS Possibility?

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I know that this is really off the beaten path for you guys and gals(?), and I know you folks are busy with AR and Dune and what not, but is there ever going to be a C&C 3 remake for an FPS version. I understand that it is an EA title, but from what I understand, doesn't EA own most of the C&C games? I know that if it were to happen, it'd be a very long way off, since you are all busy with other projects, but in all honesty, I thought C&C 3 was great, not as good as TS in my opinion, but still a very good game, and it would be something I would look forward to very much, and would support it 100% in any way I can.


Thanks for any feedback regarding this ahead of time.

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Well.... To be 100% honest..... I tested TCW before I was with W3dHub, and....... in its current state, its sub par and unbalanced...... not to direct hate or anything, but its being developed by Zunnie under the MPF gaming community....... I do have to give it props for LOOKING good...... But...... thats kind of all it has going for it....

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I don't speak for W3DHub, but I do not think anyone is interested in spending time on a completely new project using the same IP and the limitations that come with the IP.


Some of the current projects have been in development for many years and so far only APB has reached a state which one could consider "finished".


If I was personally interested in working in the industry as my job, then the logical step would not be a new non-profit project based on an existing IP, but a brand new IP developed using licenced software. Nowadays, making and selling your own game is more achievable than ever before. Starting a project of that nature would be the stepping stone to bigger projects.


However, that's not my plan, as I am far too busy with other things IRL. I'd be surprised if not at least several current W3DHub project team members have a desire to expand in new directions, however.

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I don't speak for W3DHub, but I do not think anyone is interested in spending time on a completely new project using the same IP and the limitations that come with the IP.


Some of the current projects have been in development for many years and so far only APB has reached a state which one could consider "finished".


If I was personally interested in working in the industry as my job, then the logical step would not be a new non-profit project based on an existing IP, but a brand new IP developed using licenced software. Nowadays, making and selling your own game is more achievable than ever before. Starting a project of that nature would be the stepping stone to bigger projects.


However, that's not my plan, as I am far too busy with other things IRL. I'd be surprised if not at least several current W3DHub project team members have a desire to expand in new directions, however.

Personally I wouldnt try to make a C&C 3 FPS thats anything like Renegade or Renegade X for the simple fact that..... a certain aformentioned group of people will begin complaining about how "x" stole "x's" game and ripped it off..... Kinda like what happened with Imperial Age. Since then, Kaskins's OFFICIAL mod, has taken a hit on players, but every now and again, you'll see a few players onlinr, its been a while since I saw more than 8 people on his server though.... As of now, I'd wait, ask EA what their plans for C&C will be, fuck..... dont bother Joe Kucan about it though, as (last I heard during an interview) he is done with C&C and does not want to be recast as Kane.
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I don't speak for W3DHub, but I do not think anyone is interested in spending time on a completely new project using the same IP and the limitations that come with the IP.


Some of the current projects have been in development for many years and so far only APB has reached a state which one could consider "finished".


If I was personally interested in working in the industry as my job, then the logical step would not be a new non-profit project based on an existing IP, but a brand new IP developed using licenced software. Nowadays, making and selling your own game is more achievable than ever before. Starting a project of that nature would be the stepping stone to bigger projects.


However, that's not my plan, as I am far too busy with other things IRL. I'd be surprised if not at least several current W3DHub project team members have a desire to expand in new directions, however.

Personally I wouldnt try to make a C&C 3 FPS thats anything like Renegade or Renegade X for the simple fact that..... a certain aformentioned group of people will begin complaining about how "x" stole "x's" game and ripped it off..... Kinda like what happened with Imperial Age. Since then, Kaskins's OFFICIAL mod, has taken a hit on players, but every now and again, you'll see a few players onlinr, its been a while since I saw more than 8 people on his server though.... As of now, I'd wait, ask EA what their plans for C&C will be, fuck..... dont bother Joe Kucan about it though, as (last I heard during an interview) he is done with C&C and does not want to be recast as Kane.



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I don't speak for W3DHub, but I do not think anyone is interested in spending time on a completely new project using the same IP and the limitations that come with the IP.


Some of the current projects have been in development for many years and so far only APB has reached a state which one could consider "finished".


If I was personally interested in working in the industry as my job, then the logical step would not be a new non-profit project based on an existing IP, but a brand new IP developed using licenced software. Nowadays, making and selling your own game is more achievable than ever before. Starting a project of that nature would be the stepping stone to bigger projects.


However, that's not my plan, as I am far too busy with other things IRL. I'd be surprised if not at least several current W3DHub project team members have a desire to expand in new directions, however.

Personally I wouldnt try to make a C&C 3 FPS thats anything like Renegade or Renegade X for the simple fact that..... a certain aformentioned group of people will begin complaining about how "x" stole "x's" game and ripped it off..... Kinda like what happened with Imperial Age. Since then, Kaskins's OFFICIAL mod, has taken a hit on players, but every now and again, you'll see a few players onlinr, its been a while since I saw more than 8 people on his server though.... As of now, I'd wait, ask EA what their plans for C&C will be, fuck..... dont bother Joe Kucan about it though, as (last I heard during an interview) he is done with C&C and does not want to be recast as Kane.



Ah you must have missed that time when like 3 days ago there were 22 players on IA official server. 4-5 match straight 18-22 players were playing it, but I drop out as I need to go out do something.

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