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What I mean by lag


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Ignore the gameplay and just look at the FPS in top right corner.

Around 12 mins is when the frame rate starts to drop.

And around 15 mins is when the fps starts to half.

It tends to happen when looking at one base from another.

The framerate can become constantly around 30 - 40 in bigger games around the same times.


inb4 hurrdurr I play at 3 fps stop crying.

Having the game run at 60 and then have the framerate half makes battles rather unplayable(more of an annoyance).

I just want to know what could be doing it and if there's anything I can do to stop it because it happens every game at almost the same time each time.



I'm not playing on a toaster I have a gtx970 and fx 8350 so it's not my hardware.

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I had a 8150 until recently so I know that line of chips can pull APB with no problems. The 8350 is the same except around 200mhz faster i believe? Anyway, have you looked at your temps while playing? Or maybe tested against another game to see if it happens there as well? I know it shouldn't be hardware but i'm just trying to rule that out. If it happens around the same time each run then it could very well be some obscure hardware-related thing.


Q: Does it happen around the same amount of playtime or match time? As in, if you join the game half way into the match, does it immediately do the lag thing? Or do you have to actually play for 15 mins? If you suffer through to the end, does it to fine at the beginning of the next match or remain slow?

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I had a 8150 until recently so I know that line of chips can pull APB with no problems. The 8350 is the same except around 200mhz faster i believe? Anyway, have you looked at your temps while playing? Or maybe tested against another game to see if it happens there as well? I know it shouldn't be hardware but i'm just trying to rule that out. If it happens around the same time each run then it could very well be some obscure hardware-related thing.


Q: Does it happen around the same amount of playtime or match time? As in, if you join the game half way into the match, does it immediately do the lag thing? Or do you have to actually play for 15 mins? If you suffer through to the end, does it to fine at the beginning of the next match or remain slow?

temps don't go over idle around 20 - 30. in contrast I can play overwatch, Ark, GTA 5, XCOM2 and Planetside2 at constant 60 rarely even dipping to 59. Moreover planetside 2 only lowers down to around 50 fps when there are massive battles.


A: it seems to happen consistently on AoW maps around the 15 min mark match time, first I thought it be foliage(sorry pushwall) but I doubt that now.

I can play any number of games in a row and it will always start out nice and 60.

Furthermore as I stated before the frame rate only lowers to 30 when I'm looking in a direction of a base after that point.

Edited by theshed
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Its most likely something to do with the scripts/game itself. it happens to me in Reborn and the Apoc Rising test, despite me having good enough hardware to run 3 instances of the game at once. turning off Vsync will definitely help, as it rarely drops below 60fps during heated and prolonged matches. Under is one of the maps that is real wacky with my computer though.

Oh, it also occured frequently on earlier versions and sometimes the current version of dblaney and kaskin's Imperial Age, which confuses me a little bit. I always thought it was the size of the map and all the props/scripting in it. Rarely I would get massive problems on Pipeline when the sandstorm rolled in as well.

Edited by MPRA2
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