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Showing most liked content on 06/03/2015 in all areas

  1. One of the founding values of W3D Hub was to increase the openness of our development process and get the community more involved with the work we're doing, not just on the games but the tools and infrastructure surrounding them. As such I've decided to create this topic to see how interested our community are in the development of the launcher and see what feedback you might have on features as they're being developed. If there is a positive response to this I will consider doing more of these for the launcher and other non-game related W3D Hub projects. Anyhow, with the blurb out of the way, here are some very early WIP screenshots of a new feature for the launcher, namely the ability to download news from the website. The current plan is for each game to list its own news items individually and also provide a combined "all news" (including community news not shown under any game tab) on the "Home" page of the launcher. One of the first issues I realised we had was that we could only show you news for TSR with the way the launcher worked before - only showing you the games you were allowed to install. That has been changed now so that all games will be listed, allowing you to browse their latest news. Part of this change was adding a new "this game is not available yet" banner to the top of the game page for those games which are not yet released. This is shown in the screenshot below; For games that are released the page looks like this; The design and theming work for this is still very early WIP, some of the things that need adding are; - Date of the news post - Replacing the "i in a box" icon with an image themed to the news post (this will also go onto the w3dhub.com website homepage, which uses the same backend service to download news items) - Improved text formatting - A link to read the complete news article online We're interested to hear what you, the community, would like to see from this feature and hear any suggestions or other feedback you might have. Let us know your thoughts Also, let me know what you think about seeing future WIP updates on our tools and services. Is this something you'd like to see more of? Is there anything in particular you'd like to know more about?
  2. *Concept title and image are subject to change Introduction General overview Disclaimer Please read Concepts Collection of all concept images and content Additional Information Information not contained above
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  3. Why is the biped top heavy walker leaning with the terrain? Does UDK not have the power to make proper mech physics? Or are you showing off that a normal tank can be animated like a mech like has been done in Renegade and many other games for years? I see little point moving to UDK if its going to have us make the same hacks Renegade already does. It might be prettier, but why move from one dated engine to another.
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  4. If your going to go Diesel punk you should include a modified version of that Mining steam punk Mech I'm positive I remember you posting ages back (either that or I'm getting my awesome posters mixed up again) Either way good luck with this.
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