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Showing most liked content on 08/09/2015 in all areas

  1. The community servers, the launcher and the website are back online! Thank you all for your patience. Hey guys, you have probably noticed that in the past few days the website and the launcher were not working at all. Our webhost, Strike is on holiday with bad/no internet connection but he still managed to help us reboot the servers. Everything should be running now, we are sorry about the downtime and thank you for your patience. -The W3D Hub Team
  2. Hmmm.... I might do something totally different this time.
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  3. The game isn't in a fully playable state yet. Certain features are yet to be implemented and a good portion of the Allied structures don't have proper interiors yet. I think that when the game becomes fun to play, we can think about releasing it and going from there. The last thing I want to see (as the leader of this project) is for people to play it once, dismiss it and then go back to playing APB/Reborn/Renegade/Other games.
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