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  1. The game is free from EA on Origin for a limited time! Grab it quick, while the deal is active! Probably influenced by the recent 20 years of C&C, the latest FREE "On The House" game from EA on Origin is none other than Red Alert 2!!! this free promotion also includes the Yuri's Revenge expansion pack! Already have Origin? just click here to redeem! but be quick as "On The House" deals won't last long. for those without Origin, all you need to redeem the game is an Origin account, and a copy of their desktop client, both of which are also free to get your hands on! Happy Conquering! TT
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  2. You sir, were one of my main targets! Thoroughly enjoyed last night, was great to relive the memories from when we had a maxed out server everyday!
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  3. It's been a while! I did this but had so much fun on the background I was sad to cover it up So here's the background only version!
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  4. Hey All, So this is the working title of my new project using W3D. This is the first time i've ever ventured into game development so i thought if i had a solid background story, i'd always have a base of insipration i could draw from. It's a bit long (might've got carried away). Back story (i made most of this up on the spot): The year is 2021 and The world has reached crisis point. Over population has hit unsustainable levels, there isn't enough food, medicine or housing to go around. Pollution is out of countrol and a dark smog now surrounds most of the world. In the cities; skyscrapers dominate the horizon. A sea of cold grey concrete. A shrine to capitalism. Most of the countryside has been left untouched by the corporate machine, but many people now live there to try and escape massive over population of the drab metropolises. Out of a need for strong leadership most of the western countries in Europe have joined under one single government. (The United Nations Of Europa). At first the new government seemed to be tackling the problems the region faced but it didn't take long for the cracks to start showing.Under the surface things were much worse than they appeared. The Segregation started slowly at first. A new ID system called Class-ID was implemented. Everyone's biometric data was recorded and you were issued with a number. This number signified your status in society based on your respective wealth and assets. It was promoted as a way to ensure the neediest of people received aid first, but after a while, it's true nature became apparent. Certain areas in the city were being cordoned off. Only people with ID number 4/5 could enter these "havens". Inside, the rich could live in luxury while the poor and middle class were left to starve slowly. Once the Class-ID system was fully integrated it didn't take long for the outer-rim areas of the cities and countryside to become ghettoized. There was crime, lack of jobs and gang warfare. Out of this chaos a group was formed: The United Liberation Front. The ULF are a well organised and well funded militia with one aim in mind: Revolution. Splinter cells have emerged throughout the Europa continent. Their charismatic leader; Chase Anderson used to be complicit in the system he now wants to overthrow. Formely the owner of one of the largest coprorations in the world he was a issed a level 5 status and was permitted to live in the havens. For a while, he did this. He got on with his life in luxury. Trying, with every inch of his being to ignore the fate of the people in the outer-rim. One day during a business trip, he was flying over the former Czechrepublic in his private helicopter. With his head rested on the transparent alluminium window he just watched the decaying city below him. He could make out small fires and communes where people were living on the streets. At this moment, he realised that the capitalist machine that has dominated the economy and government for so long, the system that he had flourished in was idealogically abnoxious. He'd always known this deep down, but today it was brought to the surface. No longer would he be a part of a corrupt system that draws money and resources up from the poor to the elite. It was time for someone to stand up agains the tyranny, it was time for action! The next day he drew up plans for the ULF and embezzeled money from his corporation to fund it. He left the havens and joined the starving people in the slums. A few years pass and the ULF now has a huge amount of support. With weapons donated and bought from the former USA they are now a real force to be reckoned with. Under emergency riot legislation, the UNOE (united nations of Europa) commissioned the Eruopa Defence Agency(EDA). They quickly developed into a modern ground army, encompassing the whole region. They were tasked with keeping peace in the city & rural slums and protecting the interests of the rich. At the helm of the EDA is a mysterious and cast iron charicature of a man named Delta Kennedy. Not much is known about Delta but he is famed for being needlessly brutal and un relenting in his duties. Both factions are locked in savage warfare with no end in sight. TL;DR Tyrannous government VS Liberation army = W3D Game Concept Art - Provided by SquidEmpire (Thank's alot mate!!!) Eruopa Defence Agency: United Liberation Front:
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