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Showing most liked content on 10/19/2015 in all areas

  1. So... many... awesome faces.... can't.... look.... away.... Joking aside, always nice to see new people on the forum. (or people returning from the great beyond)
  2. hellou all im new here on w3d but il play 3 months wicht exter_3 nick (any remmember me? probally no lol) soo i want to play wicht all your guys PD:Nice job wicht games
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  3. Yeah man, what they said! Welcome! Any questions, just holler at us in a PM or make a topic in the proper place if you feel it should be a public discussion! Have fun!
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  4. Hey there, welcome to the forums! Glad you like what we're doing here, feel free to make yourself at home.
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  5. Exterminator_3 yes? I remember seeing you from time to time. Welcome to the forums!
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