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Showing most liked content on 01/08/2016 in all areas

  1. This is going to be tough, but I'll give it a shot. In the meantime I did an animation! First one I've done in almost forever and I haven't gotten any better in the interim, but I still think it came out okay!
  2. IRC and Teamspeak The Server has a bot that sends messages to IRC about how the game is going and you also can see who is in-game. The channel for this is #W3D Hub-apb on the rencorner irc server (irc.rencorner.com). If you want, you can join the W3D Hub TeamSpeak3 server at ts.w3dhub.com and talk with your fellow APB players. Rules These are the server rules for the APB server. If there are any questions please contact a moderator. If you are in-game, try !m to see if there is a moderator online, in-game, or getting highlighted on IRC. Always follow the instructions of moderators English is the main language on this server so please speak English when playing with other people. (if you are just with 2 people then it's fine just as long as you speak English when there are more people of whom you are unsure if they speak English). If you want to speak in a different language to someone please use the PM system. Open a chat window press '/' and start typing the name of the recipient. Press space and then type your message. No cheating No impersonation of any form, be it either clans, players, or both. This includes wearing clantags of a clan you are not part of, or making a tag to make it look like you are part of a clan that you are not part of. Examples an [sG] member wearing the |-TA tag or a -|TA member wearing a [sG]- tag. No Team-hampering No blocking the AI Ore Trucks No unfair bug abuse No Killwhoring or any other kind of whoring (these issues will only result in a ban or kick if it is done on a daily basis and is bad for the community) No abusive language of any sort. No ban or kick evading. Breaking any of these rules may result in a timed ban, kick(24 hr ban) or a qkick(warning kick, aka quick kick). The only place to appeal your ban, kick, warning or qkick is on these forums in the complaints section so don't go into discussion in-game or by PM'ing a moderator through back-door politics. If you are having any problems with a moderator in-game, either contact me or post in the appropriate forum section (Bans & Complaints).
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  3. Hey everyone. Welcome to the update. I'm a bit tired from working non-stop this week, so I will make this quick. Update has just been uploaded. We will be pushing it onto the launcher shortly, and will be updated the server when that happens. This is a smaller patch, but with a big change: Completely Redid Veterancy as Follows: Veteran 5% ROF/Reload buff Health/armor buff Elite 10% Damage buff Self-Healing Special Ability (If applicable) Note: Veterancy does not apply to pistols (except the Spy's pistol) Updated effects to newer versions by Fabian (Fixes a large amount of bugs with existing effects) Enforcer now immune to fall damage at elite, and health increased from 150/100 to 175/150. Anti-Vehicle infantry now carry a limited pistol. Veterancy Changes These veterancy changes are intended to make things more fair for both teams and remove a large amount of the gimmicky aspects that were either useless or overpowered. Ion Ammunition and Tiberium Ammunition have been cut entirely for most infantry, only the Mutant Hijacker and Toxin trooper have Tiberium Ammunition. These changes do need feedback, so we do hope to see your feedback on our forums. However, this definitely should remove any overpowered aspect of the veterancy system. Game Night We are hosting a game night this Sunday at 20:00 GMT (16:00 EDT for Americans out there) and you can be assured that the developers will definitely be there playing with our players. This does not just include the TSR Devs; we also have AR, ECW, and BfD developers incoming to play some TSR. Moonsense715 additionally pulled out all the stops for this one and even attracted some new members by notifying people about the game night on Facebook and even some posts around the C&C community. I hope to see many of you there, because it will probably be a blast. Game Update information and Changelog! Also: Game Night!
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  4. Dat surface detail If only we could get detail like that in TSR... ... ... You know, I was half tempted to try and enter that competition but if that's the quality of texturing/modeling thats going to be there then I have a snowflakes chance in hell of even placing in it. Looks at the Phaser, looks at own texturing attempts, goes sits in a corner and sulks
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