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Showing most liked content on 04/15/2016 in all areas

  1. Played Red Alert Aftermath map Island Wars Extreme on FFA skirmish once, the map with neutral AI hostile giant ants. One of the ants accidentally picked up an MCV crate and the Giant Ants team actually built up a base normally like other AI players (except the giant ants aren't hostile towards them, since they are the giant ant team). The weirdest part is a red coloured ant pick up the MCV crate so the MCV and the ant base is red, the same team color as mine(I was red too) so it's confusing for me. In the end, the giant ant base wrecked a lot of the last standing computer player enemy units (this actually helped me a lot because many of my buildings were destroyed and funds/ore fields were depleted). The ant base and unit count was like 10 times bigger than mine but I still won that skirmish since we don't have to destroy neutral stuffs to win.
  2. ModDB is leading the charge to save as many mods as we can. We all have until the end of the month to archive everything we might hold dear or miss in the future. It's a real shamge, I feel horrible knowing that I have only a short period of time to think hard about what I need for my older games. For anyone in need of assistance, I found the ghost of the old Filefront system which you can browse and find the stuff you want, then search for it via GameFront to see if it's still available for download. Remember, there's also the C&C Files section that will be going down, so please help preserve everything you can. Use things like online archives to access the rest of the Filefronts that are listed in the lower right sidebar of the one I just linked. Good luck to everyone with digital things to save! Many long-lost C&C mods could still be rescued. Spread the word out!
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  3. Work Home I don't mind this since I only pay $29.99 a month, in a few months when I move I'm bout to get that google fiber
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  4. I'm in a tough position where I don't have a lot of extra storage space but need tons of stuff from Battlefront 2, Dawn of War, C&C, the STALKER series, Joint Operations... crap. I really hope people other than the few of us come through and just rehost the whole thing somewhere. We really need a site like filefront where you can look up and share these things as a central modding point. I think that if nobody remembers to backup things like classics such as The Movies, all of that good game addon stuff might be lost and then there will be no finding them in the future.
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  5. In my situation, I have many Terabytes of "cold storage" currently available to me (I'm a computer technician and I have a TON of hard drives ok? ). If anyone manages to hit the motherlode here but doesn't quite have a place to put it all, let me know. I might not be able to get it all put up publicly on the internet ASAP, but at least it won't be lost. And you! PLEASE let me know if you get it haha. I'll help grab some stuff. In fact, let all of us know!
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  6. Archive.org doesn't behave well with the actual download handling from FileFront because the download system on the old FileFront network was pretty borked (as was, realistically, everything technically related to it). Also, finding a file page that was actually stored of the millions is the mother of all Russian roulettes. I've put some links here, get salvaging before it's too late.
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  7. The file servers prevent directory access afaik. You can only access the specific files on the servers. For anyone interested, the general url format for the file location seems to be: http://media1.gamefront.com/[uploadername]/[year]/[month]/[day]/[file.ext]
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  8. Can't we use a grabber which tries to list everything from the server and download them? I did it once eta 10 Years ago to have a small copy from wikipedia but I don't know how it work today. I'll try to download as much a possible but I can only hold up to 2TB, enough for all cnc stuff? UPDATE: Call me what you want but I written everyone from gamefront an eMail, asking for ftp access with read rights. Maybe they can help me/us in someway ...
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  9. That's rude of you to just assume that all zany texture mods are Threve's. http://www.bluehellproductions.com/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=63
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