ModDB is leading the charge to save as many mods as we can. We all have until the end of the month to archive everything we might hold dear or miss in the future. It's a real shamge, I feel horrible knowing that I have only a short period of time to think hard about what I need for my older games. For anyone in need of assistance, I found the ghost of the old Filefront system which you can browse and find the stuff you want, then search for it via GameFront to see if it's still available for download. Remember, there's also the C&C Files section that will be going down, so please help preserve everything you can. Use things like online archives to access the rest of the Filefronts that are listed in the lower right sidebar of the one I just linked.
Good luck to everyone with digital things to save! Many long-lost C&C mods could still be rescued. Spread the word out!