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Showing most liked content on 04/18/2016 in all areas

  1. Tiberian Sun? Dial up? Obligatory post.
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  2. I like DM type maps, makes a nice break from near constant AoW. It's why I kinda want Antlion and Luna back, even CamosCrossing was a nice twist. On a different note, I'm fine with the majority of maps, except that it's too easy to lose the Barracks on Hostile Waters and it kinda sucks when you can't do anything at all to capture the middle. Same applies to Pipeline with the oil (except the Barracks is easier to defend). KotG I think also has too many trees near the left base entrance, makes navigating a nightmare. Either remove a few or spread them out further, it's too easy to get stuck and since the Allies have a smaller frame in general, they are able to exploit that advantage without too much retaliation.
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  3. Hey, hey you. Guess what. Chicken butt.
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