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Showing most liked content on 11/19/2016 in all areas

  1. Looking forward to have my arse handed by you guys. Also, big thumbs up for announcing a day well ahead. Makes me look more forward to it when I am sure that there will be players.
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  2. Favorite Admin/Staff/Moderator: FRAYDO Funniest User: FRAYDO Most Helpful User: Einstein Biggest Spammer: Dominant_Hunter (fuck you I'm not alt-capsing that) Best APB Player: Totd Tactical Espionage Action: forg0ten1 Most Likely To Demo-n00b: sammyd, no question. That last one makes me think though. There's probably some bandwagoning going on here because you decided to have everyone declare their votes publicly instead of PMing them to you.
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  3. I needed to take my mind of some real life matters, and I found myself with a glue kit, and ended up with... (UPDATE: This unit is NOT part of Siege!) A Mobile SAM, because we already have a Mobile AA Gun so I figured, why not... Since dual turrets were not achievable, the rear one is "disabled". I'm not sure if this vehicle will be present in the map, though.
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