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  1. We're no longer secure?! Abandon ship!
  2. Honestly, one of the main issues is detection. Is it not possible to give his grenade some sort of trail like Volkov's to make it visible? Also, with the large advantage allies get with a medic as is, do they really need to take one of the soviets few units on as well?
  3. [blurb]Announcing another Pick-Up Game for this weekend![/blurb] Announcing another Pick-Up Game for this weekend! JOIN TEAMSPEAK @ ts.w3dhub.com TO PLAY on Saturday (May 6th) at 7:00 PM GMT (EU) / 2:00 PM CST (US) Come on by and join the fun! Time has been set an hour earlier than the previous PUG. Full details pertaining to PUG rules and how to join can be found here. See you on the battlefield!
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  4. Wait wait wait, what craziness is this? I'm gone for a week and now you guys are seriously planning to change a finally balanced and useful nader? The grenadier is now a great siege unit, that's his battlefield niche. Do you know how satisfying it is to use him after you spent countless hours figuring out where you can hide behind to hit base defenses (note: there aren't that many) on different maps? If you are complaining you can't find him, just spend more time playing the maps as a nader. Then you will see for every base defense, there is usually only 1 or 2 hiding spots. I'm not against nerfing his anti-infantry damage a bit to make him less of a close-range fighter. You can also make the grenade explosion visually more noticeable so people can tell easier which building is being hit. Lastly you can nerf his anti-building damage a bit - a siege unit like him shouldn't do RS level damage. But don't touch his range or the grenade AOE size! His uniqueness lie in the fact his attacks out range base defense and make them not easily repairable! If you are complaining about grenadiers, again maybe you guys could just play him more to learn how to find him better. This is a very specialized unit with a decent learning curve and rewarding play once you master it. Holding down the L mouse button maybe simple and boring, but scouting different map locations and objects to hide behind is not!
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  5. ^ This. Some artistic license is fine within reason, but it's always bugged me when someone suggests something which is completely out of sync with the technology of the time, barring RA1-specific examples and appropriate context. For example, yes the Soviets in RA1 had Hind helicopters (early 1970's tech) and rapidly developed their jet technology (MiG-23) later in the war, but they were also still using Yak planes (1940's tech) at a time when they had already largely switched over to MiG-15 jets in our timeline. Plus a lot of the more advanced technologies were fielded only towards the end of the war (Longbows), and even then many examples were only prototypes (Phase Transport/Tank, Volkov) or very early production versions, and consequently were very rare (Tesla Tanks, Shock Troopers). Basically, RA1 is a case of a few specific areas of technology being more advanced (aircraft, some areas of electronics) while other areas are the same as they were in our 1950's (most common military technologies and the vast majority of civilian technologies) or even slightly behind (A-bombs, initially at least). As for the Grenadier, I agree with JigglyJie and des1206 in that I think the Grenadier is largely fine as-is and there's no need for any revolutionary changes with this unit. The Grenadier is easy enough to counter if you know how to do it, just like with any other unit. Snipers and Artillery can be particularly effective against a distant Grenadier. Captains, Rangers and Light Tanks also work well.
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