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Showing most liked content on 05/07/2017 in all areas

  1. So, I will cut the introduction short and state the stuff as it is. Most grief when it comes to map balance being scewed in Allied favor comes from a single unit being a pain in the butt. And said unit is Artillery plain and simple. So let's start with the obvious and compare Arty to V2. + Higher mobility due to tracks > wheels. + Higher versatility due to higher ROF and ability to turn. + Higher sustained DPS on enemies due to less punishing misses. + Way better at self-defence: easy to kite slow large soviet vehicles and kill infantry pestering you at close range. + Higher indirect durability. They have the same 150/150 HP but this one is kinda funny. It takes 10 serg slugs to kill a V2 and 5 shock shots to kill an arty. Both take similar time but one is 150 no barracks CQC specialist and the other is "advanced" AT infantry. Also mechanics. + Smaller general profile. + Smaller projectile. + Prop heavy recent map philosophy makes indirect fire far more efficient, esp. combined with V2 projectile size. + Harder to track back due to small trail and large arc. - Less accurate. - Lesser alpha strike. - Lesser splash AOE. That list already doesn't seem right for a cheaper unit, does it? Now let's take a look at what each of them have to deal with. V2 has to deal with faster agile and sometimes stealthy enemies which makes higher punishment on each miss even worse. If infantry got too close to you, you better just run and hope that there would be something nearby to hit to use your AOE which would still not kill the attacker but at least would make killing them on foot easier. If ranger or whatever got too close, you are toast. If Phase fired at you from the side, you are toast. Arty on the other hand has to deal with larger and slower targets most of the time. The only real threat to it are V2s on open terrain. As soon as terrain stops being open, arty gets an upper hand. If soviet vehicle got close which is far less likely due to their lower speed, you just turn around and blast it in the face. Even though you would likely lose your arty, that guy is now crippled with mammy being the only exception. But where were your eyes if you let a huge mammoth tank to flank you? Seriously. Anyway, then you get on foot (serg, cap and RS all work fine here) and finish off that person vehicle making it 1 to 1 trade. And maybe kill the driver. So in economy terms you've lost 600 and killed 700-1500 worth of units (+ maybe driver). A list of solutions (can be applied in any combination): - Make arty 100/100 again and remove tesla resistance (why is that even a thing?). It already has more versatility and mobility than the soviet counterpart to defend itself. No need for it to be tanky also. This will also allow TTs to avoid being cripped by the return fire should they engage the arty. - Reduce turn speed. - Slightly reduce range. - Make minimum gun elevaton higher so it can't fire at everything point-blank putting both it and V2 in the same boat when it comes to close range engagement. - Just make it more expensive (700-800).
  2. Maybe it's something that I inadvertently managed to fix for the next build then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. It is also almost 2 times more expensive, has a massive size making it easy to hit, moves slower than most infantry sprint and as of recent patch suffers massively from AT mines (bye 600 armor). So far my experience with fighting mammies is... unexpectedly easy. And while solo cap won't be able to deconstruct it like he does HTs (which is silly on its own but it's for another topic), that 1700 monster seems to only be good for show nowadays. Not so long ago I've seen like 6 mammy rush on Stormy Valley which only succeeded at taking out a pbox while turret was already dead. They weren't even intercepted all that early. Mammy used to have flat ~22% more damage back in the day, but in current version it feels like those HUEG cannons are pretty pathetic in combat for their size. Also I don't see anything wrong with lighter allied vehicles getting hit with an indirect nerf.
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  4. @Mojoman version 0.7.2 of the launcher was released yesterday and fixes some issues with the server browser tab. Please let us know if you're still having issues and, if so, could you attach the errors.log and diagnostics.log files from My Documents/W3D Hub/Launcher. Thanks
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