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  1. At it's core, C&C RTS games were a sandbox. The game gave you a bunch of units and structures along with related mechanics but ultimately it was up to you, the player, how you went about utilizing any of the tools the game gave you. Two or more people, with their own strategies and tactics, fighting each other over bragging rights. The whole concept is truly this simple. Forget e-sports and crazy twitchy micro management. The original games offered a very accessible gaming experience that was very unique at the time, and even till this day there has not really been many games like C&C RTS games. Most RTS games fail to get any traction at all because they always miss one or more fundamental pillars that C&C games nailed down (and perhaps Westwood did so more by chance rather than intentionally). The RTS franchise as a whole has been completely tunnel vision focused on e-sports when there simply is no audience for this. For the onlooker, RTS games are a difficult to follow mess, and for the participant, the barrier to entry is massive because of the huge skill ceiling that comes with micro managing and fast reaction requirements. C&C games in particular had much more success in the hands of "the average player", the casual player that wanted to play some RTS for either story or a match versus some equally skilled opponents, or simply with friends. To most players, the over-designing of later RTS games did not add anything of value. All that really mattered was that factions were diverse and offered plenty of unique and fun units, structures, or mechanics. RA3 was a good example of over-designing, where so much time was wasted on making the units e-sports friendly, that in that process they forgot to focus on everything else, resulting in bland and forgettable units at best, and cringe-worthy units at worst. Naturally, earlier C&C games added upon that in terms of game setting, background stories, and general game character. It resulted that people gained a sense of ownership to these units and structures as they became more immersed into the universe. This isn't something many other games managed to emulate, because the traditional C&C themes were original and strong (until EA absolutely murdered all of this post C&C3). TLDR: C&C games are beautifully simple games. Later C&C games and other RTS games cannot reach the potential of the older games because game developers do not understand what made these games sell.
  2. Welcome to Vienna! You have all been invited by the Kaiser to see to it that we can revamp the declining Empire into something new. Despite our victory in the Weltkrieg, we find ourselves in an Empire out of time. The decline has turned into a crisis after the German Empire's Berlin stock market crashed a year ago, throwing the free world into the most horrific economic disaster in history: Black Monday. Germany, our Ally, has been dangerously weakened and overstreched, making it a prime target for the revanchist Syndicalist states in the West. The clock is ticking. This Augleich, after the failure of the one in 1927 where Hungary straight out left, might be our only remaining chance. However, the Kaiser has faith in all of you. Let's make the Empire great again! Some additional background information in video format. I have to commend OrangeP47 for immediately noticing the Kaiserreich setting, good job on that one lad. Like the previous game, Voe will be acting as a co-host in case I'm not able to be around for a night or whenever we feel like we need to post a cvc. I'll drill him a bit more this time to prevent any gun-like shenanigans from arising again. I wish you all a lot of fun palying this game. Known Objectives Your objective is linked to your role’s vision of the Empire. There are three different possibilities, each of them linked with a secondary one. 1. Primary Goal: This is your role’s vision of the Empire. Achieving this goal will win you the game. - Pluralism: The idea to reform the Empire into a Danubian Monarchy in which the different states are all equal. - Status Quo: The idea to retain the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary in which the Austrians and Hungarians are equal above all others. - Abolishment: The idea to abolish the Empire and divide it into multiple independent sovereign states. 2. Secondary Goal: This is your role’s idea on how to best achieve their goal. Achieving your goal this way will add a +1 to your victory score. - Reform: Your role intends to achieve their vision through reform. - War: Your role intends to achieve their vision a bit quicker by winning a civil war. - By any means necessary: Congrats, you have it a bit easier. Stability The stability meter shows how stable the Empire is at any given time. Actions and reforms can affect stability both positively and negatively. Should the Stability go below a certain amount, the Empire will descend into civil war. Keep an eye on the stability meter and see to it that the Empire stays stable during the Ausgleich… or not, depending on your objectives. Political power Political power (now known as PP) is a new mechanic that will provide a limit as to how many actions a player can undertake during a phase. This to compensate for the many different actions in the game, the lazy moderators, and to prevent another instance of an overpowered utility belt. The standard limit per day and night phase is 2 PP and the standard action tax is 1 PP. This means that you can use up to 2 PP during both the day and night. Each phase, you will regain 2 PP, although you won't be able to gather more than your personal limit. There are different ways as to how a person can gain additional political power. Which ones? You will have to find out for yourself. Passing reforms Passing reforms is part of the order of the day and night. During the day, you will all vote on a category of reforms. These are: Economic, Political and Military. At the end of the day phase, the category with the most votes will produce a new reform on which a variant can be voted on during the night. Because we are nice and follow the rules of democracy, voting on the reform variants will happen anonymously during the night. Voting on a category will cost 1 PP. Voting on a reform variant will also cost 1 PP. You vote on a category by using ##Reform <Political/Economic/Military> The vault and evidence base As with the previous game, we have an item vault as well as a modified evidence base. During the day, a player can be voted on to be allowed into the vault with ##VoteNominate <Player Name> (1PP). The vault holds the items, which can be taken and in which players can deposit their items if they so wish it. The evidence base is off limits to anyone that doesn’t have a key. Players can check up on a player’s actions and can use examples of unlawful activity to build a case on a player. Should a player have a case on him, he will be able to be jailed during investigation. Additional actions may be available though. It appears that we're pretty sure that Voe is scum. Investigations and lynching There is no lynching in this game. We’re beyond such a barbaric concept now. Instead we use the ##VoteInvestigate (0PP) action to take a look at a player. Investigating will uncover a player’s name, nationality, current status as either innocent, suspicious or hostile, and other relevant and irrelevant information. Innocent players will be freed immediately and will only provide some of their personal information. Suspicious players will spend one night in solitary, meaning that they're blocked during the night. All items of interests will be placed in the vault and will not be returned the following day. A hostile result means that the player will spend the rest of his days in prison, being blocked from actions and will lose all items, which are then placed in the vault. All information about the player will be revealed. (He’ll be eliminated from the game.) Civil war Should stability get below a certain threshold, the nation will descend into civil war. The teams are, as of yet, undecided and anything can affect the starting positions and the stability threshold of the civil war. How does it work? That’s something we’ll hopefully never need to explain. Signups Beyond all the game specific rules, standard mafia rules will apply. So only two posts at night, hammers can happen. You know the drill! Please note that the game set-up is, once again, experimental and I cannot guarantee flawless balance. But I do hope that you will all have as much fun playing the game as I had creating it! Sign-up's will end on the 22nd of July. The game is optimised for 10 players, but more are possible. 01. OrangeP47 02. Shade939 03. iLikeToSnipe 04. Jeod 05. Retaliation 06. TheIrishMan 07. Killing_You 08. Category 5 Hurricane 09. Sunflower 10. Fraydo Day and Night phases Day 1 Night 1 Day 2 Night 2 Day 3 Night 3 Day 4 Night 4 Day 5 Night 5 Day 6 Night 6 Day 7 Night 7 Day 8 Night 8 Day 9 Night 9 Day 10 Night 10 Day 11 The final battle and game end Post game discussion, awards and thoughts
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  3. What makes a true C&C game is a game that holds itself true to what C&C means. Building structures from a general Construction Yard and resources to be collected into a "refinery". RA3's Ore fields felt a bit meh in my eyes personally. At best what C&C 3 has can be seen as the most desired route, although some prefer the route that RA2/TibSun have, however modernization is a thing and C&C 3 definetly is a great game on it's own and stayed true to C&C's core. RA3 overdid it with slapping abilities on every single unit in the game and kinda overdid it with the theme. Yes the Red Alert series were the colorful ones of the two universes (not counting the Generals universe here cause it was only one game and an expansion and it does feel out of touch with C&C, maybe due to there only being one game in the series), however RA3 overdid that by looking very cartoonish. Building deaths looked just as if you threw a rock at a badly built LEGO home. The part with the abilities just felt like they tried to compete with StarCraft, which was a pretty bad attempt imo. It doesn't fit C&C and probably never will.
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  4. That dramatic death animation always amused me. Edit: His right leg looks broken though!
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