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  1. Thursday again! This week in TSR news: the Mobile EMP tank, weapon updates, and bot support! The Mobile EMP As many may have guessed from last week's footage, the Nod strike team was in fact ambushed by GDI's newest weapon: the Mobile EMP. Highly effective in disabling Nod vehicles and Cyborgs, the Mobile EMP will be a valuable asset for GDI forces on the battlefield. As it is unarmed, it will require support from other GDI units so it may play its role in the field. Mind the recharge time of the EMP blast, as once Nod forces have discovered the Mobile EMP in the field, they will waste no time in seeking out and destroying it. Mobile EMP in-game It should be noted that while ingame, the Mobile EMP is not yet final as we dabble around in emitters and textures. Otherwise, our testers have made effective use of the tank and we are drawing positive feedback of its inclusion and capabilities. We hope you will enjoy using this unit as much as our testers have. Weapon Updates: Part One Through cunning ingenuity, we have modified some models to experiment with pistol variants! Currently only the engineers and technicians have pistols, though the concept on the table is expanding this and providing sidearms to various other characters. As Nod will have three pistol variants, so will GDI. However, it is still a concept and may not see final release. As part of our updating process, the Burazu-zu Plasma Rifle wielded by the Nod Confessor has been cleaned up and given more style. The Brotherhood's finest warriors deserve the best equipment, after all! More weapon updates to come! Bot Support While I posted around TS:R news on ModDB and elsewhere, the question of bot support came up a couple of times. In response to that, please take a look at this image. Advanced bot support will be included in TS:R 2.0 in both offensive and defensive capability! While this image features only repair bots at work, notice the various characters responding in chat. I will provide more visuals of bot support and bots in action in a later update. That about wraps it up for this Thursday! The Reborn team thanks you for your continued patience and promise you will not be disappointed by the release! For pressing questions or inquiries, please post here and we will be happy to answer. [blurb]Thursday again! This week in TSR news: the Mobile EMP tank, weapon updates, and bot support![/blurb]
  2. News, the fresh ones: NEW FIXES - C&C_Under_EC was added to rotation as a first map in a list, GDI bots will now produce vehicles, finally - bots are mining doors on C&C_Under_EC as well - Nod Stealth Tanks are now not always visible, proceed with caution - vehicle which was purchased by living player will be protected against stealing by teammates with AI for some time - due to balance, bots on server were increased from 20 to 40 for each side of conflict, because... ...BOTS CAN GET IN VEHICLES - bots are now getting in vehicles, instead of just making them as self-driving vehicles, so expect resistance after you destroy them (for example, sniper shots for your Mobius) - bots can get in your APC, so you and your living friends can now organize fast attacks with bots in APCs - and, as in case with players, you can choose in regular Vehicle Menu, which bots have to be kicked out from vehicle, so you can get more engineers instead of soldiers (no icons this time, sorry about that) P. S.: I tested new updates locally, and after couple of tests I installed them on public server, as usual.
  3. That's great to hear. I am still thinking about to compose music for Tiberian Sun, did not choose an idea yet.
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  4. Warning: Rebarn detected. Countermeasures activated.
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