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Showing most liked content on 10/22/2019 in all areas

  1. I like to revive some of old tracks... they never die. The first version of this track was a part of D&L album which I released in 2010. So, 8 years have passed, and I made this remake: http://download.ccassault.com/museum/music/solomusic/River_Tunnel_2.mp3
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  3. I'll be gone Saturday and Sunday, and while I'll technically be here Friday, I'll be busy with packing/taking care of things that are needed for going on a trip. The wedding venue is a pokestop, so you can expect to feel my presence in other ways (Given the dress code for the wedding is shorts and a t-shirt, I have a feeling nobody is going to mind if I spin the stop a few times during the reception).
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  4. Found him! He was just hiding in a corner busy working on this!
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